International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Innovative Technology
Publisher Mukesh Shinde E-ISSN 2347-7208 Print ISSN NA URL www.ijaeit.com Chief Editor Mr.Nitin Borage Contact email editorijaeit@gmail.com Address Disale Building, Tarade colony, sinhgad road,pune 411051 Country India Impact Factor Or Status 0.29 Journal Description The International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Innovative Technology is online bimonthly publish online open access journal for all fields of Engineering and Science. Its is aimed at providing a platform for researchers, engineers, scientists, or educators to publish their original research results, to exchange new ideas, to disseminate information in innovative designs, engineering experiences and technological skills. It is also the Journal's objective to promote engineering and technology education. All papers submitted to the Journal will be blind peer-reviewed. Only original articles will be published.Journal Language EnglishAccessibility Type (Free/Paid) FreeArea of Specialization Engineering and TechnologyStarting Year of the Journal 2014Online Availability (Yes/No) YesContent Accessibility (Full Text/Abstract/ Table of Content) Full Text