International Journal of Engineering Research


International Journal of Engineering Research

Publisher Innovative Research Publications
E-ISSN 2319-6890
Print ISSN 2319-6890
Chief Editor Dr R. K. Singh
Contact email
Address Inno­v­a­tive Research Pub­li­ca­tions (IRP) is a fast grow­ing inter­na­tional aca­d­e­mic pub­lisher that pub­lishes Inter­na­tional Jour­nals in the fields of Engi­neer­ing, Sci­ence and Manage­ment. IRP is estab­lish­ing a dis­tinc­tive and inde­pen­dent pro­file in the inter­na­tional arena. Our pub­li­ca­tions are dis­tinc­tive for their rel­e­vance to the tar­get groups and for their stim­u­lat­ing con­tri­bu­tion to Research and Devel­op­ment. Our Jour­nals are the prod­ucts of dynamic inter­change between Sci­en­tists, authors, pub­lisher and designer. Objec­tives: · Pub­lish­ing National and Inter­na­tion­als Jour­nals, Mag­a­zine, Books and oth­ers in online ver­sion as well as print ver­sion to pro­vide high qual­ity and high stan­dard pub­li­ca­tions in National and Inter­na­tional Journals · Orga­nizing tech­ni­cal events i.e. Sem­i­nars, work­shop, con­fer­ences and sym­posia etc. to expose knowl­edge of researchers · Col­lab­o­rating with edu­ca­tional and research orga­ni­za­tions to expand aware­ness about research and Development · Help­ing to finan­cial weak researchers to pro­mote their researches at world level
Country India
Impact Factor Or Status 0.34
Journal Description
Print Email International Journal of Engineering Research (ISSN: 2319-6890) is an open access journal that provides monthly publication of articles in all areas of Engineering. It is an international refereed e-journal as well as print journal. IJER have the aim to propagate innovative scientific research and eminence in knowledge. IJER Journals has become a prominent contributor for the research communities and societies. IJER Journal is making the bridge between research and industrial developments. The key objectives of IJER Journal are: To provide a platform for the promulgation of research outputs and activities in engineering fields. To publish knowledge and results in an efficient and effective manner. To ensure the implementation of copyright and intellectual property law, IJER Journal keeps a strong eye on the content of research papers. To encourage new research for the industrial applications in engineering fields. To improve the standards of scientific journals for the international dissemination of information. To bring together and build a team of outstanding experts on one platform from all over the world. To produce the authentic and qualitative research.
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