EduINDEX in collaboration with other institutional partners are happy to annouce 3rd EduINDEX International Multidisciplinary Conference 2019 which will be held on April 2019 in Delhi. EduINDEX International Multidisciplinary Conference 2019 is a premier knowledge building event in Multidisciplinary Research in Asia and this event is renowned for its thought-leading and cutting edge content,unrivaled networking opportunities and presenter friendly atmosphere.
Each EduINDEX multidisciplinary conference follows the same format.
Our editorial board invites abstracts, papers, and proposals as long as they fall within one of the following tracks:
Social Sciences and Humanities
Business and Economics
Teaching and Education
Science and Technology
The accepted submissions will be clustered around their common topics and areas of interest.
Send papers to conference at conference@eduindex.org or editor@pen2print.org
