Sean McDougall - speaking via videoconferencing classrooms of the futurenot a lot has changed - still sitting in classrooms altogether slumped over desks which are unsuitable for learning and sitting at all day. All studying at same time in groups. Sean has been working in designing learning spaces for the future.
No point in designing new buildings and doing the same sort of teaching there will be no additional benefits for the teachers and students. "It is about how you do it not where you do it." Example of a design where the teacher could get around the students (children) better which improved the activitiy. Design of saddle seats which could swivel in any direction - take up less of a footprint - tables fit around the room - four-way data projector. Cheaper option than billions spent on school rebuilding. Room designed to encourage conversation and collaboration and teacher tried to teach by standing up the front. Learned from mistakes - need to educate teachers in new approaches.
Design my school - tool where students could be involved in designing school. http://designmyschool.net used wikipedia design - Co-Design
Provided some statistics about education in UK - 80% black children leave school at 16yrs and over half jobs advertised in UK in 2012 will require a degree. need to get back to the idea of a creative school rather than an "exam factory". The system is not working - community minority groups illustrate this.
Singapore exampleeight years old problem-solving re bomb in an oil facility - building robots to clean up oil, building website to keep parents informed, writing business plan - a year long project. need to invent and create and solve future for themselves.
Xchurch School called UnlimitedBarriers removed - students direct their own learning Involved in projects in which they are interested e.g. designing logos, music distribution, own record label. Studying alongside 18 yr olds to get qualifications like Business.
Design done by people and with people. How can we work with excluded communities?
Example from Ireland - Sean is working with nuns in Cork. How can they work with people who are falling through groups. Responsive servicing. Immigrants, travellers, prisoners working together to find solutions to help stop people dropping out. They told their stories -
1. need place to come to meet with friends
children had different perspectives about how the building looked like - teachers forget what the rooms of the school look like.
Introduce opposites e.g. if you want technology look at what the organisation would look like without technology.
Another example-what could we do to make a fountain better? Designing a programmable, interactive fountain e.g. speed camera - measure how fast children are running around. could measure height and jets could respond to different heights. Give fountain three wishes - to see, hear, feel. Children helped design a mural with pictures and ideas of what they liked or did not like about the school. invites configuration and brings people together to work on a common problem to prepare them for the rapidly changing 21 century. create your own models and not wait for someone to "design a catalogue and you order from it".
Allow people to skill up - learn and make mistakes. Video showing chidren with robots they constructed - watching them work and showing the great excitement. learning what they need for the knowledge economy. Need to redesign the service to meet the needs of the children e.g. reading construction manuals as that is where the interest lies for one of the children who likes building things.
Have moved from where things are done to them to one where people create their world. can you hand over what is seen to be important information to be displayed e.g. Cardiff streets.
1.What will it mean if we get it right?
increased success. Teachers who get it. learners who get what they want.
2.What happens if we carry on as we are?
no change as technology etc. changes around us.
3.Why haven't we done anything about it?
too hard, no money.
4. What could we do about it?
let people know what skills people will need in the future
Mark Nichols - institutional change for eLearning
Statement: now know how eLearning works - do we? We know how to facilitate online discussion - do we?
Beeby 1992 wrote about lessons learned in 1930s. Mark is an educational evolutionist. Focus is on formal education. He has failed spectacularly. Failures are far more interesting and you can learn from it. In his FLLinNZ year he read a lot about institutional change and talked to lots of people about it. Reckons it is commonsense. Has been ignored and now feels like he is prophetic.
What do we know about change
Peter Senge - see institution as a whole "see the wood for the trees". Large scale change is complex. Example: had a CDROm of video, looked after website, used discussion - looked after it himself and it worked well. what would happen if it was systemised? Need to train people and learners. need to copy multiple CDs. What about looking after discussions - technical support, archiving.
Who maintains resources? How do we support subject matter experts with elearning. can they use pre-prepared materials. how are new technologies incorporated? How do we enrol students? Innovation in one course is very different to what is needed in a whole programme. Good systems solve problems before they happen.
Best to work with late majority - sustainability through transformationwork on changing core ideas - workshops Core and custom - complement standardisation with innovation. How do you get buy in. Use systems that organisation has in place - systems for internal review. Meet with programme leaders and work with them. Division of labour - how to best support those who are not tech literate. Engage at level of the core with tech support at that level.
FL strategy or teacing and learning strategy - use them.
How do you go about internalising elearning?
strategic ownership - VLE a thermometer - some staff flocked to it - others ignored it. If few staff got excited good prognosis - otherwise more difficult to change ideas about eLearning.
John P. Kotter - leading organisational change, very good book.
useful orientation to major changes that are involved.
Examples from Bible College
1. establishing a sense of urgency - better resourcing of students, costing
Developing a strategy and PD. College eLearning audit and prepare national exemplar.
Sense of urgency varies - depends on hierarchy and priorities e.g. pbrf. When there is a crisis - lack of students for programmes. Responding to market.
2. Creating the guiding coalition
put ideas in front of managers with evidence
3.Developing a vision and strategy
what evidence is there that it improves learning? works well where there is no choice or it supports lifestyle. Don't change what is working and change what and when you need to.
4. Communicating the change vision
5. Empowering broad-based action
6. Generating short term wins
7. Consolidating gains and producing more change
8. Anchoring new approaches in the culture
Some discussion on the above questions but not enough time and no summarising of them at the end.
Maret Staron - TAFEOverview of some research projects. "Designing Professional development for the Knowledge era".
Big emphasis in Australia with workforce development. Mentioned learning environmnet managers - work done in the workplace with learners there. Moving more to learner directed ideas. Open standards
Now in the Knowledge era - environment, learning ecology, business,
focus for all four areas on learners, context, technologies
Suggestion that the knowledge era will only last a decade - has progressed from information era. Next era proposed to be the concept era. Is this true?
Need to be knowledge workers - need to find, use information. Now need to generate our own information. One of our greatest challenges - how to work in groups to generate new knowledge?
Work is becoming more unbounded in time and space now with practitioners increasingly needing to work and engage in their own learning at work and at home" (ANTA 2004).
Used an ecology metaphor - broader than networks - what is your learning ecology? relationship between entitities and their environment. Dynamic, adaptive and diverse - there is no one way. Maron promised a model to help but no one way.
Stuck in the mechanistic metaphor - want to think, feel, use intuition, be creative - a contradiction.
Strength-based Philosophy - moves us from deficit-based modelWhat is wrong and we will fix it. Hard to shift to strength-based model. Constrained by bureaucracies who follow the deficit-based model. A lot of organisations try and solve problems by looking at what they need to fix. Martin Seligman - how to look at what helps people thrive. How to help organisations be the best they can. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - psychology of optimal experience - "in the flow" when things work well and you are in the optimal skill level. When in the flow anxiety, boredom and apathy reduces.
Business wisdom
How to bring leadership on board. What is the glue that connects the elements of a learning organisation? (Wise thinking and actions.)
Key findings of research
Strength-based orientation more effective.
capability - moves beyond professional development - confident, capable, competence - ability to work in unknown areas.
Values is the bedrock
Disruptive model
Who is practising deviance in a positive way for the benefit of the organisation.
What gifts does each person bring to the organisation?
How to reshape the description of your work so it is more flexible - job sculpting.
Appreciative inquiry.
Disruptive technology - policy, research, processes
Life-based learning, expert-centred model, work-based learning
In reality learning crosses work, leisure, family etc.
What is the source of learning not the continuum? "Learning for work is not restricted to learning at work."
Life-based learning is integrated and holistic. What are the enablers to create this type of learning?
"A business approach to capability development "- companion document to research report.
Discussion of four questions: Modifying what could we build? - Listening, sharing stories and conversations. previous knowledge and recording.
Exploring - what assumptions should we challenge?
Visioning - what would be your ideal, your dream?
Experimenting - what can we combine and test?
What is your personal stance in relation to work-based and life-based learning? What does it it mean to design this ideal for approaches to learning?
Stanley Frielick - Real change institutional challenges and opportunitiesThreshold concepts and troublesome knowledge - a new way of understanding, interpreting or viewing something may emerge a transformed internal view of subject matter, subject landscape or world view.
What is a threshold moment? - when someone starts contributing and/or facilitating to an online discussion. When people take charge of something - self-directed learning.
The real university is a state of mind. Zen and the art of motorocycle maintenance : an inquiry. Are there two universities? The first real university is the concrete one - state of mind sits within there. What are the mental models which underly our university structures?
Teachers and learners are inextricably linked and there is not just a one-way flow of information. Reactive (teacher-centred) versus constructive (learner-centred). Both demonstrate a dualist model - autonomous model where learner is separated from the world. Ecological model - capillaries of power - an energy which circulates through an institution. (Foucalt). Need to focus on capillaries when look at change. what are the technologies of power?
threshold concept 3 - Can teaching and learning function like an ecosystem? Is it similar to indigenous models of learning? Example, dialogical model where relationships occur between teachers and learners.
Mention of DNA and genetics as shaping learning - evolution, mutants, survival of the fittest - social dynamism - who supports the weak and do we just leave them in the wilderness?
Threshold concept 4 - ecological sensibility - disruptive technologies. who decides what is knowledge? Who decided what is needed for promotion?
Real change
Form (media) and content - most disruption happening here - disruptive technologies and disruptive pedagogies.
Assessment examination and accreditation
Appraisal (teacher) and evaluation (courses)
Immune system - assessment and appraisal areas. what is needed to make this disruptive - quality, prescriptive and normative, secretive - policies and processes, rewards. Suggests real change needs to be focussed on immune system (resistance). Make them more open, networked and ecological.
The disruptive technologies and pedagogies will act as an external stimulus which will upset the balance of the ecosystem and stimulate internal systems in assessment and appraisal i.e. disrupt them - they will have to change so they can revert to a balanced model. Change cannot occur in an ecosystem without an external stimulus. An internal stimulus can change an individual's system but not when an individual is part of a bigger system. Negative and positive feedback. Negative feedback in a closed system will return it to the status quo. Positive feedback will stimulate either rebirth or bleeding to death or system wide shock and collapse.
In complexity or chaos theory where there is a complex system - competency alone is not enough - it is very linear and serves only part of the purpose. Capability occurs when there is a branching out and multiple layers of action and direction.
No point in designing new buildings and doing the same sort of teaching there will be no additional benefits for the teachers and students. "It is about how you do it not where you do it." Example of a design where the teacher could get around the students (children) better which improved the activitiy. Design of saddle seats which could swivel in any direction - take up less of a footprint - tables fit around the room - four-way data projector. Cheaper option than billions spent on school rebuilding. Room designed to encourage conversation and collaboration and teacher tried to teach by standing up the front. Learned from mistakes - need to educate teachers in new approaches.
Design my school - tool where students could be involved in designing school. http://designmyschool.net used wikipedia design - Co-Design
Provided some statistics about education in UK - 80% black children leave school at 16yrs and over half jobs advertised in UK in 2012 will require a degree. need to get back to the idea of a creative school rather than an "exam factory". The system is not working - community minority groups illustrate this.
Singapore exampleeight years old problem-solving re bomb in an oil facility - building robots to clean up oil, building website to keep parents informed, writing business plan - a year long project. need to invent and create and solve future for themselves.
Xchurch School called UnlimitedBarriers removed - students direct their own learning Involved in projects in which they are interested e.g. designing logos, music distribution, own record label. Studying alongside 18 yr olds to get qualifications like Business.
Design done by people and with people. How can we work with excluded communities?
Example from Ireland - Sean is working with nuns in Cork. How can they work with people who are falling through groups. Responsive servicing. Immigrants, travellers, prisoners working together to find solutions to help stop people dropping out. They told their stories -
1. need place to come to meet with friends
children had different perspectives about how the building looked like - teachers forget what the rooms of the school look like.
Introduce opposites e.g. if you want technology look at what the organisation would look like without technology.
Another example-what could we do to make a fountain better? Designing a programmable, interactive fountain e.g. speed camera - measure how fast children are running around. could measure height and jets could respond to different heights. Give fountain three wishes - to see, hear, feel. Children helped design a mural with pictures and ideas of what they liked or did not like about the school. invites configuration and brings people together to work on a common problem to prepare them for the rapidly changing 21 century. create your own models and not wait for someone to "design a catalogue and you order from it".
Allow people to skill up - learn and make mistakes. Video showing chidren with robots they constructed - watching them work and showing the great excitement. learning what they need for the knowledge economy. Need to redesign the service to meet the needs of the children e.g. reading construction manuals as that is where the interest lies for one of the children who likes building things.
Have moved from where things are done to them to one where people create their world. can you hand over what is seen to be important information to be displayed e.g. Cardiff streets.
1.What will it mean if we get it right?
increased success. Teachers who get it. learners who get what they want.
2.What happens if we carry on as we are?
no change as technology etc. changes around us.
3.Why haven't we done anything about it?
too hard, no money.
4. What could we do about it?
let people know what skills people will need in the future
Mark Nichols - institutional change for eLearning
Statement: now know how eLearning works - do we? We know how to facilitate online discussion - do we?
Beeby 1992 wrote about lessons learned in 1930s. Mark is an educational evolutionist. Focus is on formal education. He has failed spectacularly. Failures are far more interesting and you can learn from it. In his FLLinNZ year he read a lot about institutional change and talked to lots of people about it. Reckons it is commonsense. Has been ignored and now feels like he is prophetic.
What do we know about change
Peter Senge - see institution as a whole "see the wood for the trees". Large scale change is complex. Example: had a CDROm of video, looked after website, used discussion - looked after it himself and it worked well. what would happen if it was systemised? Need to train people and learners. need to copy multiple CDs. What about looking after discussions - technical support, archiving.
Who maintains resources? How do we support subject matter experts with elearning. can they use pre-prepared materials. how are new technologies incorporated? How do we enrol students? Innovation in one course is very different to what is needed in a whole programme. Good systems solve problems before they happen.
Best to work with late majority - sustainability through transformationwork on changing core ideas - workshops Core and custom - complement standardisation with innovation. How do you get buy in. Use systems that organisation has in place - systems for internal review. Meet with programme leaders and work with them. Division of labour - how to best support those who are not tech literate. Engage at level of the core with tech support at that level.
FL strategy or teacing and learning strategy - use them.
How do you go about internalising elearning?
strategic ownership - VLE a thermometer - some staff flocked to it - others ignored it. If few staff got excited good prognosis - otherwise more difficult to change ideas about eLearning.
John P. Kotter - leading organisational change, very good book.
useful orientation to major changes that are involved.
Examples from Bible College
1. establishing a sense of urgency - better resourcing of students, costing
Developing a strategy and PD. College eLearning audit and prepare national exemplar.
Sense of urgency varies - depends on hierarchy and priorities e.g. pbrf. When there is a crisis - lack of students for programmes. Responding to market.
2. Creating the guiding coalition
put ideas in front of managers with evidence
3.Developing a vision and strategy
what evidence is there that it improves learning? works well where there is no choice or it supports lifestyle. Don't change what is working and change what and when you need to.
4. Communicating the change vision
5. Empowering broad-based action
6. Generating short term wins
7. Consolidating gains and producing more change
8. Anchoring new approaches in the culture
Some discussion on the above questions but not enough time and no summarising of them at the end.
Maret Staron - TAFEOverview of some research projects. "Designing Professional development for the Knowledge era".
Big emphasis in Australia with workforce development. Mentioned learning environmnet managers - work done in the workplace with learners there. Moving more to learner directed ideas. Open standards
Now in the Knowledge era - environment, learning ecology, business,
focus for all four areas on learners, context, technologies
Suggestion that the knowledge era will only last a decade - has progressed from information era. Next era proposed to be the concept era. Is this true?
Need to be knowledge workers - need to find, use information. Now need to generate our own information. One of our greatest challenges - how to work in groups to generate new knowledge?
Work is becoming more unbounded in time and space now with practitioners increasingly needing to work and engage in their own learning at work and at home" (ANTA 2004).
Used an ecology metaphor - broader than networks - what is your learning ecology? relationship between entitities and their environment. Dynamic, adaptive and diverse - there is no one way. Maron promised a model to help but no one way.
Stuck in the mechanistic metaphor - want to think, feel, use intuition, be creative - a contradiction.
Strength-based Philosophy - moves us from deficit-based modelWhat is wrong and we will fix it. Hard to shift to strength-based model. Constrained by bureaucracies who follow the deficit-based model. A lot of organisations try and solve problems by looking at what they need to fix. Martin Seligman - how to look at what helps people thrive. How to help organisations be the best they can. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - psychology of optimal experience - "in the flow" when things work well and you are in the optimal skill level. When in the flow anxiety, boredom and apathy reduces.
Business wisdom
How to bring leadership on board. What is the glue that connects the elements of a learning organisation? (Wise thinking and actions.)
Key findings of research
Strength-based orientation more effective.
capability - moves beyond professional development - confident, capable, competence - ability to work in unknown areas.
Values is the bedrock
Disruptive model
- action learning, mentoring is strength-based, communities of practice
Who is practising deviance in a positive way for the benefit of the organisation.
What gifts does each person bring to the organisation?
How to reshape the description of your work so it is more flexible - job sculpting.
Appreciative inquiry.
Disruptive technology - policy, research, processes
Life-based learning, expert-centred model, work-based learning
In reality learning crosses work, leisure, family etc.
What is the source of learning not the continuum? "Learning for work is not restricted to learning at work."
Life-based learning is integrated and holistic. What are the enablers to create this type of learning?
"A business approach to capability development "- companion document to research report.
Discussion of four questions: Modifying what could we build? - Listening, sharing stories and conversations. previous knowledge and recording.
Exploring - what assumptions should we challenge?
Visioning - what would be your ideal, your dream?
Experimenting - what can we combine and test?
What is your personal stance in relation to work-based and life-based learning? What does it it mean to design this ideal for approaches to learning?
Stanley Frielick - Real change institutional challenges and opportunitiesThreshold concepts and troublesome knowledge - a new way of understanding, interpreting or viewing something may emerge a transformed internal view of subject matter, subject landscape or world view.
What is a threshold moment? - when someone starts contributing and/or facilitating to an online discussion. When people take charge of something - self-directed learning.
The real university is a state of mind. Zen and the art of motorocycle maintenance : an inquiry. Are there two universities? The first real university is the concrete one - state of mind sits within there. What are the mental models which underly our university structures?
Teachers and learners are inextricably linked and there is not just a one-way flow of information. Reactive (teacher-centred) versus constructive (learner-centred). Both demonstrate a dualist model - autonomous model where learner is separated from the world. Ecological model - capillaries of power - an energy which circulates through an institution. (Foucalt). Need to focus on capillaries when look at change. what are the technologies of power?
threshold concept 3 - Can teaching and learning function like an ecosystem? Is it similar to indigenous models of learning? Example, dialogical model where relationships occur between teachers and learners.
Mention of DNA and genetics as shaping learning - evolution, mutants, survival of the fittest - social dynamism - who supports the weak and do we just leave them in the wilderness?
Threshold concept 4 - ecological sensibility - disruptive technologies. who decides what is knowledge? Who decided what is needed for promotion?
Real change
Form (media) and content - most disruption happening here - disruptive technologies and disruptive pedagogies.
Assessment examination and accreditation
Appraisal (teacher) and evaluation (courses)
Immune system - assessment and appraisal areas. what is needed to make this disruptive - quality, prescriptive and normative, secretive - policies and processes, rewards. Suggests real change needs to be focussed on immune system (resistance). Make them more open, networked and ecological.
The disruptive technologies and pedagogies will act as an external stimulus which will upset the balance of the ecosystem and stimulate internal systems in assessment and appraisal i.e. disrupt them - they will have to change so they can revert to a balanced model. Change cannot occur in an ecosystem without an external stimulus. An internal stimulus can change an individual's system but not when an individual is part of a bigger system. Negative and positive feedback. Negative feedback in a closed system will return it to the status quo. Positive feedback will stimulate either rebirth or bleeding to death or system wide shock and collapse.
In complexity or chaos theory where there is a complex system - competency alone is not enough - it is very linear and serves only part of the purpose. Capability occurs when there is a branching out and multiple layers of action and direction.