'Safer Internet Day' is observed in the month of February each year. This day is organised by Insafe to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially amongst children and young people across the world. Safer Internet Day 2014 was celebrated on 11th February, 2014.
On International Safer Internet Day, information are provided to people through Radio about avoiding online fraud in use of ATM and Debit Cards. Cyber crime cell to make this day special programs for children and young people about the precautions to be taken during work in internet. Safer Internet Day make a personal promise to `Do One Thing' to stay safer online.
On International Safer Internet Day, information are provided to people through Radio about avoiding online fraud in use of ATM and Debit Cards. Cyber crime cell to make this day special programs for children and young people about the precautions to be taken during work in internet. Safer Internet Day make a personal promise to `Do One Thing' to stay safer online.