I will add the recording of the session to the web page as soon as I have sorted it. And guess what, the digital camera decided not to take the pic of the whiteboard properly, however, all the items are listed on the web page so apologies to those of you who prefer more visual methods. I think it was really interesting how the majority of you clustered together in the Celebrity Treasure Island Hunt for the prize as people preferring a diagrammatic map, step-by-step instructions and working in a group. The Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire will help you see the relevance of this merging of learning preferences.
Second half of the Learning preference workshop
The second part of the workshop is on Wednesday 17 September, 1205 to 1250 in H311 when we will have more discussion about learning preferences and look more in-depth at the different models for learning styles. I hope you get a chance before then to try out one of the learning styles questionnaires, with which you are not familiar. Some of the questionnaires are listed on the 50 ways website. Remember the VARK is a homegrown version of VAK. Don Clark’s webite - Learning Styles & Preferences – has a good overview of most of the learning styles.
I will continue the discussion around learning preferences on here so it will be good to get your feedback.
Second half of the Learning preference workshop
The second part of the workshop is on Wednesday 17 September, 1205 to 1250 in H311 when we will have more discussion about learning preferences and look more in-depth at the different models for learning styles. I hope you get a chance before then to try out one of the learning styles questionnaires, with which you are not familiar. Some of the questionnaires are listed on the 50 ways website. Remember the VARK is a homegrown version of VAK. Don Clark’s webite - Learning Styles & Preferences – has a good overview of most of the learning styles.
I will continue the discussion around learning preferences on here so it will be good to get your feedback.