Apart from the great pleasure the cinema gives us a means of entertainment, it is in many ways an education in itself.
The film companies from time to time produce historical pictures and these pictures are of great assistance to the teacher of history. A couple of hours spent in the company of historical personage, dressed in the proper dress of the period, can teach us far more than we can learn from a whole week's reading of a history book.
Some of the educational film companies devote their time to the filming of the habits and customs of animals, insects, fish, germs and many other branches of scientific life. Such pictures are quite interesting and are a great help in the cause of education.
The film companies from time to time produce historical pictures and these pictures are of great assistance to the teacher of history. A couple of hours spent in the company of historical personage, dressed in the proper dress of the period, can teach us far more than we can learn from a whole week's reading of a history book.
Some of the educational film companies devote their time to the filming of the habits and customs of animals, insects, fish, germs and many other branches of scientific life. Such pictures are quite interesting and are a great help in the cause of education.