The Attention Dimension

Ever wonder what to do with kids in your classes that have ADHD? They can be frustrating, for you and the other kids in your class. Often, they can derail an entire class for an entire hour – or for an entire year.

Also, it’s important to note that approximately three kids is each class have been diagnosed with ADHD, and only half get treatment – if they are identified at all.

Today on, new contributing writer James Paterson looks at some teaching strategies educators can use to help them get ADHD-afflicted kids to coexist and even flourish in your class.

James offers up 12 tips today, including:

Report your concerns
Collect data
Consider seating
And more!

In a paragraph devoted to seating arrangements, James writes: “CHADD (Children and Adults with ADHD)recommends seating these students away from distractions and not paired with another student who is distractible. The organization also suggests seating near the teacher or a responsible classmate, and other arrangements that may help in a class where attention issues arise.”

James’ last paragraph reads lime this: “Teachable moments. Find time to teach these students basic organizational skills that they have never had an opportunity to try or practice. Using a planner is key. DuPaul says new research shows such times spent by teachers on these skills can pay off dramatically for students with attention issues, especially those in high school and middle school.”

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