Over the last few weeks I have been running close to the wind with my teaching and educational development work. The following things have been happening.
Evaluation of eLearning for Best Practice online course
The Evaluation of eLearning for Best Practice online course in its 5th week now has 18 participants, the majority of whom are pretty active bloggers so I am being kept pretty busy.
Flexible learning course
On 18 March, Leigh and I ran the first workshop for the Flexible learning course and had really good attendance face-to-face. We also connected two participants on a web conference which did not work as well as it would have with a proper mic - next time. Jacinda spoke to the group about the library facilities and is going to run a session on the 9 April 1.30-2.30 in BG1 (back room ground floor) at the Bill Robertson library - to show people how to search effectively using the online databases and Google Scholar. The library now has a snappy piece of software (can't remember th name) which connects people directly from Google Scholar to the databases available at the Bill Robertson library.
I am organising a presentation for a week's time on preparing effective blog posts for this course. I will run an experiential session on how to write effectively for a blog in this course - 2 April 1-3pm in H311. This will also be offered in an online session - 8 April 7 - 8 pm. Some sites to look at before the session:
I have given two lectures on reflective practice to two groups of undergraduate nurses - first year and third year. They have similarities, however, the presentation to first year nurses has more detail about reflection and reflective practice. The third years gave me applause so I must have done something right. Both groups in the main were pretty responsive to the Three-Step Reflective Framework and I have modified the template for use when writing about critical incidents in the health area.
Staff Development conference
The April Staff Development conference is shaping up with several submissions for presentations. The conference website has been incorporated with the EDC events blog. We now have four streams: sustainability, self-care, teaching and learning and effective use of technology. There are still some invited speakers to be confirmed. There will be one invited speaker per theme and each will be followed by a panel of speakers under the same stream. The next phase is to check the overviews and the Presenter Working Group is on to that job, and Catherine has set up a marvellous spreadsheet to collate all the information. This will be used to create a schedule.
Apart from this I am still advising staff regarding e-portfolios and online learning as well as the other projects I have on the go. Digital Information Literacy (DIL) research project and HIV/AIDS course development with Colette Blockley.
Evaluation of eLearning for Best Practice online course
The Evaluation of eLearning for Best Practice online course in its 5th week now has 18 participants, the majority of whom are pretty active bloggers so I am being kept pretty busy.
Flexible learning course
On 18 March, Leigh and I ran the first workshop for the Flexible learning course and had really good attendance face-to-face. We also connected two participants on a web conference which did not work as well as it would have with a proper mic - next time. Jacinda spoke to the group about the library facilities and is going to run a session on the 9 April 1.30-2.30 in BG1 (back room ground floor) at the Bill Robertson library - to show people how to search effectively using the online databases and Google Scholar. The library now has a snappy piece of software (can't remember th name) which connects people directly from Google Scholar to the databases available at the Bill Robertson library.
I am organising a presentation for a week's time on preparing effective blog posts for this course. I will run an experiential session on how to write effectively for a blog in this course - 2 April 1-3pm in H311. This will also be offered in an online session - 8 April 7 - 8 pm. Some sites to look at before the session:
- 10 tips on writing a blog post
- My PLE is like my cooky baking (PLE = personal learning environment) - a good example of a post by Sarah Stewart.
I have given two lectures on reflective practice to two groups of undergraduate nurses - first year and third year. They have similarities, however, the presentation to first year nurses has more detail about reflection and reflective practice. The third years gave me applause so I must have done something right. Both groups in the main were pretty responsive to the Three-Step Reflective Framework and I have modified the template for use when writing about critical incidents in the health area.
Staff Development conference
The April Staff Development conference is shaping up with several submissions for presentations. The conference website has been incorporated with the EDC events blog. We now have four streams: sustainability, self-care, teaching and learning and effective use of technology. There are still some invited speakers to be confirmed. There will be one invited speaker per theme and each will be followed by a panel of speakers under the same stream. The next phase is to check the overviews and the Presenter Working Group is on to that job, and Catherine has set up a marvellous spreadsheet to collate all the information. This will be used to create a schedule.
Apart from this I am still advising staff regarding e-portfolios and online learning as well as the other projects I have on the go. Digital Information Literacy (DIL) research project and HIV/AIDS course development with Colette Blockley.
