DU Career Services is pleased to announce that Patricia (Patty) Hickman was recently hired as assistant director at the University Career Center. She provides career development for all graduate students, except those in the Daniels College of Business, Sturm College of Law and Josef Korbel School of International Studies who are served by their respective career centers. She is also the career liaison to Veterans Services the division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
Patty received her master’s degree from the University of Oregon and has been at DU since 2005. During that time here she has served as Assistant Director, Associate Director and Interim Executive Director of Daniels College of Business Career Services. Patty’s experiences have made her one of the best on campus for career advising and coaching, job market trends, program development, and strategic planning.
We are excited to have her as a part of our team and as a resource on campus. Meet with Patty today by making an appointment at (303) 871. 2150 and see the difference she can make for you!