There are over 20 million books written on career related topics. Okay I made that number up, but when you are browsing Amazon it does feel that way. The Career Center does not have 20 million books (it’s more like 400), but the books it does span a wide range of career topics. You can find anything from how to write a cover letter to how to use social media to find jobs. To help you navigate the jungle of career related books, each week the Career Center highlights a “Book of the Week” from its own library.
Here’s the recap of the Career Center Library’s Book of the Week from the fall semester. Remember, any of these books can be checked out from the Career Center for seven days and renewed for an additional seven. Click the link to the library record to learn more about the book!
10 Things Employers Want You to Learn in College by Bill Coplin
The Start-Up of You by Reid Hoffman (Cofounder of LinkedIn) and Ben Casnocha
The Defining Decade by Meg Jay
College Majors Handbook with Real Career Paths by Neeta Fogg
The Pathfinder: How to Choose or Change Your Career by Nicholas Lore
Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg (Chief Operating Officer of Facebook)
Mrs. Moneypenny’s Career Advice for Ambitious Women by Mrs. Moneypenny with Heather McGregor
Women Lead: Career Perspectives from Workplace Leaders edited by Tracey Wilen-Daugenti, Courtney Vien, and Caroline Molina-Ray
Social Networking for Career Success by Miriam Salpeter
Who’s Got Your Back? by Keith Ferrazzi
Power Verbs for Job Seekers by Michael Lawrence Faulkner and Michelle Faulkner- Lunsford
I’m in a Job Search, Now What? by Kristen Jacoway
If you have any career-related books you would like to see added to the Career Center Library then send your suggestion to JNunno@american.edu. Follow the Career Center on Twitter (@AUCareerCenter) to see the latest Book of the Week as well as Career Center events and career advice!
