Although often not recognized, problem gambling is a significant workforce issue. The effects of a gambling problem almost always spill over into the workplace and can potentially disrupt the livelihood of your business.
The Marion County Health Department Prevention Services is offering free on-site training workshops for employees and supervisors for businesses in Marion County. The training session will answer these questions and more:
Why is problem gambling a significant workforce issue?
What are the signs of problem gambling?
What causes a person to develop a gambling problem?
How will I know if one of my employees has a problem?
What can I do if I find out an employee has a problem?
How can I protect my business from the effects of problem gambling?
Training sessions can be tailored to business needs. Visit the Marion County Health Department website at http://www.co.marion.or.us/HLT/ad/gambling/prevent/workplace.htm or contact Lisa Miller at 503-981-2461 or lmiller@co.marion.or.us for more information.