As the semester winds down, many students are anxiously awaiting a phone interview with an employer. Whether for an internship, part-time or full-time job, many are concerned that the phone eliminates their opportunity to be charismatic and impress the employer with their interpersonal skills. Since recruiters often use phone interviews as the first step to clarify the background of several candidates, those offered a particular day and time to chat should see it as a positive opportunity. While your Career Center Advisors are more than happy to help you prepare, there are several steps to ensure a successful phone interview. A quick summary of Laura DeCarlo’s “9 Keys to Telephone Job Interview Success” are listed below, however, you can read the full article on Job-Hunt-org.
- Know whether you can take the call when it comes, i.e. schedule when you won’t be interrupted or lose service on your cell phone.
- Have the documentation you need at your fingertips – this includes the job description, your resume and the application you submitted to the employer
- Know answers to the common interview questions. Be sure to tell a complete story and refrain from brief responses
- Smile while on the phone! Placing a mirror in front of you is a big help.
- If you have a web portfolio or a complete LinkedIn profile, then be sure to direct the interview to it.
- Focus on your language and voice – which includes voice intonation and speaking positively
- Avoid selfish questions during the interview. Asking about salary is too early at this point
- Don’t hang up without asking for the next step plus contact information. This will reduce anxiety about the next call or email you should receive.
- Say thank you, but write a thank you note and either email it or send it through the mail
American University students and alumni can schedule a mock interview with their Career Advisor through the AppointmentPlus website. Also consider practicing from the comfort of your room with InterviewStream.
Congratulations and best of luck!
