Two Hiring Trends that Will Affect Your Career


Each company solves the problem of staff shortages in its own way. Some develop tempting compensation packages and entice specialists from competing firms; others improve the system of training or invent special motivational programs. Each method has its pros and cons. A universal human resource management tool has not yet been invented. Leading world experts formulated the main directions in the selection of personnel, which will develop over the next couple of years.

Trend №1 – Passive Candidates Are in the Spotlight

In the modern world, most companies strive to find an employee for a certain amount of dollars as quickly as possible. Rare vacancies remain relevant for months. New employees were needed yesterday, so recruiters are no longer just waiting for feedback on posted ads, but taking the initiative in their own hands. About 85% of the audience for job search sites is “passive candidates.” They do not think seriously about the change of employer until they are presented with the opportunities and benefits of cooperation with another organization. John Sullivan, an HR consultant writes that:
“Instead of the resume, companies can work with the candidate’s profile in social networks, which will open the doors to candidates who are not actively searching for a new position.”

What Does This Mean for the Applicant?
  • A personal profile on Facebook or LinkedIn is a must have the next few years since they become the main source of hiring.
  • You no longer have to spend a lot of time on posting resumes on dozens of similar sites. It is enough to attend 1-2 of the most visited in your region.

Trend № 2 – Quality of Employment Forms the Brand of the Company

It is not important now what the organization says about itself, but it is decisive what people say about it. More and more employers come to the realization of this principle and are serious about working with the brand. In conformity with LinkedIn data, which were collected by interviewing more than 3,800 employees of HR departments around the world, in 2015 the development of the employer’s brand was a priority for 62% of companies. 59% of companies significantly increased their investments in relevant activities. In the last two years, this figure continued to grow and now this indicator does not lose its relevance.

For an Employee, This Means the Following.
The principle “the best work for the best” not only has not lost its relevance but is successfully implemented in the life of the absolute majority of companies.
Secondly, directly during the interview, focus the attention of the recruiter on the fact that you plan to grow inside the company. This does not mean that you have to dream about the SEO’s post. You can successfully build a horizontal career.
Third, allocate time and investment in the formation of a personal brand. Declare yourself in a professional environment as an expert, and your chances of getting into the dream organization will increase substantially.
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