Look at your personality and behavioral characteristics and strengths and how they align with potential jobs and majors. The tests we use most frequently with students and alumni are: the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Strong Interest Inventory and StrengthsQuest
Look at your personality and behavioral characteristics and strengths and how they align with potential jobs and majors. The tests we use most frequently with students and alumni are: the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Strong Interest Inventory and StrengthsQuest
Crash Course on Informational Interviewing
- Our career advisors can provide resources for and explain how to conduct informational interviews. Some key points to remember are:
- Talk to people who are doing work that you are interested in.
- Learn if this is the right job fit for you and make connections that have the potential to help you with your job and internship search.
- If someone agrees to an informational interview, research his/her job and company and prepare questions before you meet. Just as important – always follow up with a thank you and any next steps you established during the informational interview.
- Connect with alumni from any alma mater. Us the LinkedIn Alumni Tool (under the “My Network tab, click “Find Alumni” in the drop down menu), Alumnifire, and don’t forget family, friends, staff connections and professors.
Set Goals and Make a PlanSetting goals and making a plan to build your network and explore majors and career paths is essential for blazing your career path. Build your professional experience, including internships, leadership roles, jobs, volunteer opportunities and student group participation or leadership.