Memorized the course work. Aced the exam. Passed the test to become licensed in your field. Graduated at the top of your class. Think you are ready to be hired? Being technically proficient in your field may no longer be enough.
Bryant & Stratton College is working to give students an edge in the job market. We’ve asked employers what skills they want new hires to have, and we are making sure our students are learning them. Employers today are looking for staff members who are critical thinkers, problem solvers and team players, said Bryant & Stratton College Director of Career Services, Robyn Cannata.
“We weave those components right into our classes so that students can learn those skills and experience something as close to real world workplace as possible,” she said.
The college has integrated lessons into the classroom experience to help students build these skills long before they graduate rather than on the job. Cannata also said the Career Services department urges students to build their work history by volunteering in their field. Once they have graduated her department works with each student to help sharpen their resume, advise them on job search strategies, network and prepare for the actual interview.
“Our students stand out because we have worked with them on how to best present themselves and do some of those extra things that the average student doesn’t think to do when applying for jobs,” she said. “We hope that matters to students because we really do provide them with an in depth experience that goes well beyond academics! We act as a true partner to them and we are with them all the way,” Cannata said.
