Health care is experiencing dramatic growth in the number of jobs. As the U.S. population ages, more health professionals are needed, especially in the field of public health.
Growing public awareness of chronic disease prevention also is contributing to an increased focus on jobs that promote health. Finally, global health – in which health care professionals help prevent and respond to health issues and crises in developing countries – is an area with increasing job opportunities as well.
All told, students graduating with degrees in public health face many possible career choices and opportunities. Which public health careers are experiencing the most growth? Here are three of the fastest growing jobs in public health over the next decade:
- Biostaticians: With a 14% increase projected by the BLS, biostaticians – who gather data and oversee surveys – face many job opportunities. A master’s degree is usually required.
- Epidemiologists: Working in health departments, universities, laboratories and out in the field, may collect samples, conduct interviews and laboratory analysis, and analyze data to prevent disease and investigate causes of disease. A 24% increase in jobs is projected by the BLS. This job requires a master’s degree but starting with a Certificate of Graduate Study in Epidemiology is a good place to begin to explore this field.
- Careers in global health: As federal and private funding increases for ever-growing and increasingly complex global health concerns, so do the jobs. Professionals in this field work with organizations and agencies dealing with disaster relief, immigrant/refugee health, maternal and child health, bioterrorism, disease prevention and more. They may work for non-governmental organizations (NGOs), research and academic institutions, governmental agencies, lending agencies, foundations, public-private partnerships, development banks or United Nations agencies such as the World Health Organization. Top jobs at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control – including epidemiologists, microbiologists, occupational health specialists, health education specialists, public health advisors, health scientists and more – all can be found in the area of global public health