Today on TeacHHUB.com, we look at some teaching strategies that are designed to transform your lesson plans.
The article, penned by frequent contributing writer (and seasoned elementary school educator) Janelle Cox, lays out five ways that teachers can positively alter their lesson plans for the better.
Janelle’s ideas include:
- Use the Goldilocks Approach for Planning Objectives
- Use Visual Learning Strategies
- Give Students a Choice
- And More!
Janelle sums up her article like this: “If your goal is to create transformational lessons, then they should focus on enriching the lives of your students. You can do this by carefully crafting your objectives so they are not too broad or too specific, but just right. In addition to that, they should be engaging and go beyond the textbook, incorporate visuals, and give students the opportunity of choice. When you do this, along with planning your assessment first, then you have ultimately transformed your lessons so that your students will be engaged and motivated to learn.”
How do you transform your lessons? Do you have any specific teaching strategies that you like to do? Please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas in the comment section, we would love to hear what you have to say.
Monopoly, Risk and Chinese Checkers were staples of rainy-day activity back in the day, but did you know these popular games can also be used to spur something called executive function, or the brain’s way of being creative and utilize working memory.
Engaging Classroom Games for All Grades
One of our most popular stories in the history of TeachHUB.com has been one in which we lay out some popular classroom games. These games are time-tested, and work at just about every grade level.
Classroom games add flair and student engagement to more tedious, yet necessary tasks like teaching math facts, grammar rules and vocabulary, reviewing for tests or even completing lab experiments. Adding an element of competition motivates and energizes students.
Our list of great classroom games includes:
- Educational Bingo
- Memory
- Around the World
- And More!
We also encourage educators to implement student-created games whenever possible – after all, what student doesn’t like to show off his or her creative talents?
What educational games do you use in your classroom?