Reading aloud is somewhat of a lost art: Back in the day, you probably sat in a relative’s lap and were read the latest adventures of Curious George – or else you were in class, sitting cross-legged, listening to your teacher use his best voice emulation to read out loud.
Well on Feb. 1, you’ll get your chance to read out loud to your students when the world celebrates World Read-Aloud Day.
Today on TeachHUB.com, frequent contributing writer Jacqui Murray, who is a seasoned tech teacher based in Northern California, looks at some time-tested classroom activities to help you celebrate World Read-Aloud Day.
- Jacqui’s ideas include:
- Teach Students to Read with Their Digital Devices
- Potential Read-Aloud Books
- Involve Parents
- Engage a Real Author
- And More!
Jacqui ends her article by offering, “Need help organizing a read-aloud activity? The Scholastic Book Fairs World Read Aloud Day kit is a wonderful guide for planning an event centered on family and parent engagement. Additionally, the American Academy for the Advancement of Science has this suggested list of STEM read-aloud books:
- “A Chicken Followed Me Home,” by Robin Page. Simon & Schuster, 2015.
- “Feathers: Not Just for Flying,” by Melissa Stewart (Illus. by Sandra S. Brannan.) Charlesbridge, 2014.
- “High Tide for Horseshoe Crabs,” by Lisa Kahn Schnell. (Illus. by Alan Marks.) Charlesbridge, 2015.”
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