We teachers are always, it seems, bringing our work home with us. Even when we sit around the dining table with our families, we aren’t mentally far from the lesson plans, ungraded papers, and professional development tasks that are supposed to occupy our minds within the four walls of our classroom.
It’s imperative, then, that we employ some classroom management techniques to help us leave our work at school. Today on TeachHUb.com, frequent contributing writer Janelle Cox, who is a seasoned elementary school teacher based in Upstate New York, looks at some time-honored classroom management methods you can use to stop taking your work home.
Janelle’s ideas include:
- Change the Way You Think
- Plan Ahead
- Make Your Class Time Count
- And More!
Janelle sums up her article thusly: “Ultimately, you’ll know how much you can handle and what makes you feel burned out. Remember, your goal is to leave your schoolwork at work, not bring it home. So if you find that you’re still bringing your workload home with you, be sure that you are implementing all of the above tips into your life.”
What are your classroom management tips for leaving work at work? Please share them below, we’d love to hear what works for you.
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