
Classroom Management Using Exit Slips


Exit slips can be a great, informal classroom management technique to measure what students have learned. It’s the last thing students do before heading home, and can be used by educators to plan accordingly for future lesson plans.

Today on, frequent contributing writer Jordan Catapano, who is a veteran high school English teacher based in the Chicago suburbs, looks at exit slips and how to carry them out. Here’s his take on using a favorite ed-tech tool to formulate exit slips: “My favorite way of collecting information from students is using Google Forms, mostly because Google has features that help synthesize the data collected. I can look at overall classroom trends or student-by-student information, all automatically organized by the form. Another way I’ve enjoyed having students respond is by asking them to share a series of discussion forum posts talking about their learning. Or instead of using a digital tool, it might be just as simple to use an actual slip of paper where students can answer brief questions related to the day’s lesson.”

Jordan sums up his article like this: “Overall, build exit slips into your routine as a time of reflection. Reflection for you on how well you conducted instructional time, and reflection for students on how well they understood the objectives of today’s lesson. The typical school day can feel very much like a business-as-usual routine where we go through the motions of education … but are students actually learning?”

There are many ways to assess student learning and growth, but exit slips are one easy step towards thinking through if we’ve actually made the most of our time together.

Do you use exit slips as a classroom management device in your class? How do they work? Let us know in the comment section!
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