Now that we’re in the depths of winter (and many of us in the colder regions are anticipating spring already), it’s time to start thinking about how to apply for those coveted teaching grants.
Today on TeachHUB.com, we look at how educators can begin to apply for teaching grants. We offer up a step-by-step guide on the process.
First, you need to determine which classroom (or school-wide) projects your grant will be directed at. Are you looking to get some iPads? Some more books?
You’ll also need to:
- Get the backing of your school’s administrators
- Learn how to search for grants
- Carefully follow directions
- And More!
Do you have your own tips for getting teaching grants?
Dispelling Myths about Teaching Math
One of our perennially most popular stories is about how younger teachers can get over their fear of intimidation when it comes to teaching math.
In the article, we addressed some of the myths surrounding the teaching of math, and instruct educators on how to get around them. Some of these popular myths include:
- You don’t need to study for teaching math
- There is only one right way to get the right answer
- Logic is needed for math and creativity is not
- And more!
Remember, “In today’s technologically advancing world, learning math is more important than ever. Technology requires that we solve more difficult and complex problems all the time. Thinking clearly about math is the first step in teaching children to also think clearly about math.”
