Teachers often think of their boards of education as far removed from the educational process, and some probably even feel that the members of their board of education are far-removed from the classroom.
Nothing could be further from the truth, frequent TeachHUB.com contributor Jordan Catapano says, and he should know: He spent three years on the board of education for a private school in his area.
“Now I know that the more I can view my teaching within the broader scope of the leadership’s perspective, the better I understand what’s taking place within my school and my role in it,” Jordan says.
Other things Jordan learned during his board of education tenure:
Teachers Matter a LOT
Money Matters More Than I Wanted to Admit
Overall, Jordan developed a new degree of respect for his own board of education through his experience. It’s an eye-opening read you’ll enjoy.
How does thinking about your school from a different perspective impact your understanding of it?
Teaching Strategies: Stimulate Through Effective Questioning
Recntely on TeachHUB.com, frequent contributor Janelle Cox said that improving the quality of the questions that teachers ask their students will help them become better educators.
She offers up some great teaching strategies for improving teachers’ questions, including:
• Plan Ahead
• Keep It Simple and Straightforward
• Avoid “Fishing” for an Answer
The best teachers use lower-order AND higher-order questioning. To help you learn what might work best for you, be sure to keep notes on which questions were most effective. This way you can look back and fine-tune any questions at a later date, Janelle notes.
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