There are two types of teaching failures. One is just missing the mark completely; the second is not even trying to hit that proverbial mark.
Today on TeachHUB.com, frequent contributor Jordan Catapano examines classroom failure and offers up some teaching strategies that teachers can use to avoid an academic disaster.
What do you do to intervene with a potentially failing student?
Original Thanksgiving Activities for Kids in All Grades
It’s easy to get in a teaching rut this time of year, with projects like making flimsy paper hats and handprint turkeys cluttering up your curriculum.
So today, we offer up some fresh Thanksgiving activities for kids designed to liven up your turkey day lesson plans.
Some ideas:
Celebrate Family History
“Explore” a New World
Holiday Math & Measurements
How do you recognize Thanksgiving in your classrooms?
Integrating Technology in the Classroom, Going Paperless
At TeachHUB.com, we’re constantly discussing the ways that educators can use technology to fully maximize their instructional prowess.
Recently on TeachHUB.com, we recognized the onset of a paperless classroom. After all, papers are easy to lose, take time to make copies of, and can be mangled, we note, and can even be eaten by the dog (LOL).
A paperless approach to teaching is definitely beneficial, and in this article we spell out ways to convince students to adopt a paperless mindset as well. Indeed, many teachers have already adopted digital PDFs and made them more accessible for students, but there is always room for more digital interaction.
We also noted of several ways that instructors can adopt a helpful learning management system platform, like Schoology or Turnitin, and how each provides almost instant feedback within a digital platform.
But we also lament the loss of the printed page. “I will certainly miss the tactile feel of paper. There’s just something about turning a physical page that makes the reading experience special,” author Jordan Catapano intones.
Lastly, he charges readers to think through the next steps of the digital classroom, and to fully maximize all the bells and whistles a truly digital platform might offer up.