Teaching Strategies that Create Empowered Learners

Did you know that you can create kids that are motivated and confident? You can – and these particularly enlightened students are often referred to as empowered learners.
To create empowered learners, you need to use teaching strategies that can instill a sense of confidence – enough to prep students enough to get students prepped enough to address and solve challenging tasks.
Janelle Cox, a seasoned educator and writer based in Upstate New York, knows a few things about creating empowered learners. With that enlightened background, Janelle takes a look at some teaching strategies that will get you to think about creating empowered leaders.
Janelle’s ideas include:
  •  Teaching Strategies to Understand Student Interests
  • Consider Students’ Readiness Level
  • Give Students Responsibility
  • Invite Student Input
  • And More!

Janelle sums up her article thusly: “Empowering students may feel like quite a task to accomplish. However, by doing so, you may just end up with a classroom filled with motivated and engaged students.
How do you use teaching strategies to empower learners in your classroom? Do you have any tips that you would like to share? Please share your comments in the section, we would love to hear what you have to say.

Classroom Management: What to Include in a School Newsletter

But what do you put in a school newsletter? For newbies, finding, curating, and publishing effective content can be a conundrum.

So today on TeachHUB.com, frequent contributing writer Janelle Cox, herself a seasoned educator on the East Coast, looks at some items to include in your next class/school newsletter, including:

  • Fun Facts
  • Inspirational Quotes
  • Parent Pointers
  • And More! 

Janelle sums up her article thusly: “Keeping parents in the know will help prepare parents to support their children. The goal is to provide parents (and students) with monthly information to keep them informed, as well offer them some essential tips and advice.”

What do you add to your monthly school newsletter?
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