A growth mindset is one in which the subject believes that he or she can have the ability to learn new and execute things. People (and students) having a fixed mindset, meanwhile, think that they have inherited the inability to learn and do certain things. It’s no secret, then, that educators want to cultivate a growth mindset in their students.
Today on TeachHUB.com, frequent contributing writer Janelle Cox, who is a seasoned elementary school educator based on the East Coast, takes a look at some teaching strategies to bring about a growth mindset.
Janelle’s ideas include:
- Use Differentiated Teaching Strategies
- Build a Growth Mindset Through Goal Setting
- Model a Growth Mindset
- And More!
Janelle sums up her article thusly: “Having a growth mindset means that you can essentially train your brain to get smarter. By helping to students understand this concept, you are helping them to cultivate their abilities both inside and outside of the classroom.”
How to do instill a growth mindset in your students? Do you have any teaching strategies that you like to use? Please feel free to share them in the comment section below, we’d love to hear what works in your classroom.
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