We all experience it: Right when you seem to be coasting along, right in the pocket, comes the mid-year slump. Depending when your school begins, the slump begins anytime between October and December. During this dreaded period, your teaching strategies will be tested, lessons will be harder to teach, and it will be difficult for you kids to stay focused.
But luckily, there are teaching strategies you can use to combat the mid-years slump. Today on TeachHUB.com, frequent contributing writer Janelle Cox, who is also a seasoned elementary school educator based on the East Coast, explains how. Janelle’s teaching strategies include:
- Keep Your Life Balanced
- Plan a Celebration
- Take Learning Outside
- And More!
Here’s Janelle’s take on changing things up: “Keep your students engaged by changing things up. At this point in the school year, you have established your procedures and routines, so shaking things up a little bit will not interfere with anything that you have taught them thus far. Try and flip the order of the way you usually do your lessons or have the students swap seats. You can even start to make changes to your daily routine to keep your students on their toes.”
Janelle sums up her article in this manner: “Remember, the mid-year slump is temporary and it will get better. All it takes is a little planning and creativity on your end. Shaking things up a little bit, getting outside, going on a trip and getting students to plan a party can all help you get through these challenging months with ease.
How do you get your students through the mid-year slump? Please share your teaching strategies with us in the comment section, we would love to hear what you have to say.
