Technology in the Classroom: Best-Kept Teaching Secrets

The key to successfully teaching technology in the classroom is to instruct kids to help themselves. By empowering them to become problem-solvers and risk-takers, we’ll also be encouraging them to learn how to troubleshoot technological issues.

Today, frequent contributor Jacqui Murray examines seven ways that educators can make tech learning fun and easy for students, including:

  • Make Tech Authentic
  • Let Neighbors Help Neighbors
  • Teach Students Keyboard Shortcuts
  • And More!

How do you make technology fun for students?

10 Tips to Help Students Set New Year Goals

According to frequent contributing writer Janelle Cox, the start of the calendar year is the perfect time to teach children of all ages the importance of setting and meeting goals.

Today we offer up 10 tips that teachers can use to help students set goals, including:

  • Teach the Importance of Setting Goals
  • Help Improve Unrealistic Goals
  • Have a Monthly Conference
  • And More!

If all students set a goal and had the same end date and they all achieved their goal, celebrate with a class party! Then have students set new goals,” Janelle says.

Happy New Year! What are some ways you teach goal setting in your classroom? Do you have any new year goals set for yourself?

Activities to Develop Students' Spelling Skills

In this era of spellcheck, it’s easy to gloss over the importance of spelling in the classroom. But all teachers know the importance of accurate spelling acumen and how it affects the mastery of the English language.

Earlier this year, writer Janelle Cox outlined some new spelling mastery activities that will help your kids enrich their phonemic awareness skills, which will in turn help them learn to spell. These tactics included:

   Go on a word hunt
   Roll the dice
   Create a story

Janelle also noted that practicing spelling in the for of repetition is a key to mastering the art of that skill.
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