Technology in the Classroom: Keyboarding 101

Traditionally, working on keyboarding skills – even those steeped in technology in the classroom – conjures up automated exercises steeped in repetition. And even the slickest  technology in the classroom sites tend to only work specifically on the site.

The answer is blended learning, according to frequent contributing writer Jacqui Murray, who today pens a telegraphic method if using several different methods of teaching keyboarding.

Jacqui’s ideas include:

  • Rote Drills
  • Finger Exercises (Unplugged Learning)
  • Word Lists
  • Games
  • And More!

Here, Jacqui spells out here ideas on Rote Drills Utilizing Technology in the Classroom: “Students practice drills on one of the many online keyboarding programs, working through lessons and learning key placement. Some are graduated programs that included a years worth of lessons and systematically move students through the keyboarding learning curve. These include:
  1. Learn to Keyboard – 15 hours of video lessons – fee.
  2. QwertyTown – fee-based, well done.
  3. Type Kids – graduated program of touch-typing.
  4. Type to Learn –fee, aligned between home and school.
  5. Typing Instructor –complete online program (fee).
  6.—a graduated course.”

Jacqui sums up her article thusly, in a paragraph labeled Authentic Integration:  “Typing is best learned by using it in class projects. These can be completed using installed software (TuxPaint, KidPix, MS Word) or online tools (Google Docs, My Storymaker, Storybird, Animoto). These can be short reports, a letter, a story — or pick one that works for your school environment. All it takes to unpack this alternative is to remind students to follow good keyboarding habits while doing their normal classroom projects.”

What keyboarding methods do you use to get kids acclimated to technology in the classroom typing? Let us know in the comment section!
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