The SAT has long been the bellwether of academic aptitude, a frightening, larger-than-life Frankenstein of a test that, for better or worse, can make or break a young student’s dreams of college admissions.
Like it or not, the SAT is taken by more than 7 million people. With that popularity at the forefront, today on TeachHUB.com, frequent contributing writer Jacqui Murray, who is a longtime tech teacher based in Northern California, takes a look at several technology in the classroom websites for prepping for the SAT. Her criteria includes:
- Ease of use -- accounts are easy to set up with access to both the site and materials are quick and intuitive.
- Well-rounded -- nicely differentiated tools that address varied student learning styles.
- Quantity and quality of available prep materials -- materials are both in-depth and in a variety of formats (written, online, video, live/chat) with explanations of answers.
- Cost vs. value -- free is nice, but if students get good value for fee-based resources, that's just as important.
- Time commitment -- students can spend as much or little time as they have on any given day.
The sites Jacqui reviews include:
And More!
Jacqui sums up his article like this: “This list of SAT prep approaches varies from user-driven to highly organized, from free to fee, from online to individualized. What works best for you or your students depends on needs and personal approach to learning. Take time to try several of these before committing to one. Good luck!”
What websites would you add to this list? Feel free to let us know in the comment section of the actual article on TeachHUB.com. We’d enjoy reading your discoveries!