If you’re at any stage (new or veteran) of the teaching profession, by now you’ve en countered that time-honored rite of passage known as the college letter of recommendation. For the uninitiated, a college letter of recommendation comes about when a (hopefully) college-bound student asks you for proof of his/her academic worthiness in written form, which he/she then passes on to the respective college of his/her choice with hopes of gaining admission.
So how does a time-strapped person in the teaching profession conjure up time to pen an original letter of recommendation on demand? With this question at the forefront, today on TeachHUB.com, frequent contributing writer Janelle Cox, who is a longtime elementary school educator based on the East Coast, looks at some easy methodology you can use to write that meaningful letter of recommendation, while not completely losing hours and hours of valuable time.
Janelle’s ideas include:
- Use a General Template (and we have a sample of one)
- Always Be Genuine
- Be Unique
- And More!
Janelle also notes that if someone asks you for a letter of recommendation and they don’t particularly deserve it, you should politely decline.
Janelle sums up her article like this: “If you’re still unsure of what to write, then just ask the student what they would like to see in the letter. This is an important document for the student, so if you’re not comfortable knowing what to say, your best bet is just to ask.”
Do you have any tips on writing letters of recommendation for students when you are in the teaching profession? Please share them in the comment section below the actual article itself on TeachHUB.com, we’d love to hear your thoughts.
