
Sustainability workshop


Model based on The Natural Step idea. Curriculum DNA model - disciplines, needs, actions.
what is the concept of sustainable education - sustainable education - thesis by ?
looks at core values, transformative education. There is a specific language.

Discussion about how material will be presented e.g. via Internet or Intranet, and what should be open or private.
Four issues around education - knowledge, student-centred learning and action capability, ?

OP wants sustainability embedded in curriculum rather than starting with specialist options at most basic level of operation as sustainable graduates.

Staff development ideas
workshops: 1. what's best? Decision-making for a sustainable future. From June 28 EDC and Steve.
2. Curriculum development for a sustainable future.
Should these be done in order or in parallell. Do we use inquiry, authentic-based, experiential?

Do we work within discipline or across discipline? There is a place for both.
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