

In the JISC Innovating e-learning online conference Stephen Heppell had a Powerpoint with a list of creative assessments i.e. equivalent to a 1500 word essay - things like creating a video clip, moderating an online discussion etc. I believe this sort of assessment would shake the foundations of our educators. We are about to launch a new course in planning and designing for eLearning and intend to model options like this to our staff.
The other issue is not just about getting students to work creatively, but how to get staff to collaborate using tools such as blogs and wikis.

The arrival of Leigh Blackall, a very innovative programme developer is very timely for our institution. he is an advocate of open source solutions, and open networked learning. I am learning so much from him by just being open to a new way of doing things. He is also taking this approach with other staff, some embrace it and others back off.

Some are fearful of information being put "out there" even i have have to admit to this. Leigh has been here only a few weeks and already has staff podcasting, blogging and using wikis. with this confidence we can now take this to our students....sometimes we just need a push and a shove..oh and i really like his idea of learner-generated content and I'm going to try it out in the flexible design course.

For me it is a breath of fresh air and really enjoyable having someone on the same wavelength. I just hope as an institution we can keep him. I wouldn't like to see the shine lost from a gem like him.
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