Now-a- days everything is available in online and we are so much dependant on internet, we cant think of our future without internet. We are now entering into a digital future where newspaper may be going to be replaced by online news.
Online news is very convenient as we get news in real time and we don’t have to wait for news till the next day to read from the newspaper.Even newspaper cannot cover every insight or content about any topic,whereas in online we can go deep inside a topic ,get update and deep insights and everything about our topic of interest.Online news is updated every second ,ever minute in real time.The good thing about online news is that it is free of cost provided we should have a internet facility to access the information.Most importantly online news saves trees in result saves the environment whereas newspaper is the reason for cutting of millions and millions of trees and mass destruction of forests and ecosystem.This leads to global warming and far reaching consequences in present as well as in future.Its obvious that newspaper cannot cover every news going on in the world for which they have to selective in publishing content but in online news there is no such boundaries,every big and small news across the world is right within our fingertips.Even we have a lots of news apps for both android and ios in which we get notifications of news happenings across the globe which is a cool benefit of online news.Morever the newspaper printing companies also publish their newspaper online so that people can access them more easily and conveniently.
Traders can incredibly get benefit from the online news about the stock market details ,rise and fall of shares whenever they want.We can also use the newspaper buying cost in a more productive and constructive way.Online news is also a big opportunitiy for the advertisers.They can publish their offers and advertisements in the breaking news or any popular news where they can reach a bigger number of audience.As the era of internet ,digital marketing has a rich future as it helps small businesses to grow and develop when it comes online.They can advertise their products and services in the page of news headlines. Newspapers fail to give us details about any topic but in online we can get each and every details,clarity and update about any topic.People now are slowly ,gradually abandoning traditional newspaper and coming to the online platform for news and magazines,posts etc.
Also, reading newspaper is also hectic for some people as they don’t have the patience to read long boring paragraphs. So it becomes impossible for people to cover or read everything in newspaper whereas in online news its precise ,contains gist headlines summary which is easier to read and grasp more information in less time.Another good thing about online news is that it contains additional links and related information ,so that we can access and get more information about the concerned topic.Morever , in newspaper we can access to only few articles published that day but in online news there is no such limitations regarding how many number of articles we can read.
