Also known as NRS -is a survey regarding the quality of circulation of a newspaper.
Quality of circulation means the profile of the readers to whom a newspaper is circulated. This includes age group, income, area of circulation, socio-economic factors etc. National Readership Survey (NRS) report supplements ABC (Audit Bureau of circulation) report which deals mainly with quantity of circulation.
NRS is conducted by the National Readership Studies Council (NRSC). NRSC was established by Audit Bureau of Circulation in 1994 to undertake print media readership survey on a regular basis. The establishment of NRSC had the official support of the Advertising Agencies Association of India (AAAI) and Indian Newspaper Society (INS). NRSC was established to satisfy the emerging need of all sectors especially the advertisers which the ABC was not able to. NRSC conducted its first project in 1995.
The primary objective of National Readership Survey is to provide data that can be used as a basis for buying and selling of advertising space in the print media. Additionally, it also provides media users with the data on comparative exposure levels to other major mass media such as television, cinema, radio and even the internet. (Comparative exposure means comparison with newspaper).
This the basic information areas covered by NRS are- like Readership estimates for various selected publications, does duplication between publications, viewership of television- exposure to cable and satellite channels, frequency/intensity of viewing, listenership of radio, viewership of cinema, exposure to internet, intermedia duplication and also various lifestyle parameters.