Welcome to the online and distance education experience at Northwest-Shoals Community College (NW-SCC). NW-SCC is proud to offer a variety of educational opportunities through online education. Our courses teach the very same objectives and outcomes as courses offered on campus; the difference is in the delivery. Instead of attending a class where an instructor provides a lecture and leads a classroom discussion, distance courses are delivered over the Internet and/or through video capture. Most courses require approximately 9-12 hours per week during the semester to complete the assigned work. These courses require as much commitment as any traditional on-campus class. They require dedicated, ongoing, and regular participation.
While the requirements and commitment are the same for online and distance courses versus on-campus courses, online and distance education offers definite advantages. Students may complete their coursework at any point during the day, instead of a set class time. Online classes fit within students' work schedules or family commitments. Concerns such as lining up transportation to and from class or arranging for childcare while in class aren't an issue with online classes; the classes may be attended from any place where you have a working computer.
NW-SCC will be working on improving Distance Education programs and support over the next five years through the college's Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) titled In-Sync: Improving Distance Learning, Support, and Success. To learn more about this project, visit our QEP Website.
Earn an Associate's Degree 100% Online
NW-SCC offers students the ability to earn an Associate in Science or Associate in Arts degree completely online. These degrees prepare students to transfer to another institution to pursue a four-year degree. Based on Spring 2019 tuition and fee rates, approximate total cost for courses in this program is $9,360 plus books and possible test proctoring charges if students choose to take exams off-campus.
Academic Plan (Fall Admit)
Academic Plan (Spring Admit)
Getting Started
A variety of online and distance course options are available each semester at NW-SCC. To view this semester’s class offerings, click here to view the current course schedule.
To get started:
Complete the Distance Education Orientation (Operation: Early Launch)
To access the orientation:
Log into Moodle
Username: NW-SCC 'N' Number (student number)
Password: Six-Digit (mmddyy) Birthdate
With the exception of possible test proctoring fees, tuition & fees for Distance Education courses are the same as for on-campus courses. Please see current tuition and fee listing for updated cost information.
Registration is the same as for on-campus courses. All students may register online, but new students should talk with an advisor in our campus advising center before registering (advising@nwscc.edu or 256-331-5221).
View current class schedule
Review the Distance Education Student Handbook for policies and services related to Distance Education.
Visit the Technology Resources site for information on Computer and Personal Skills needed to be successful as well as information on tools used in our courses.
State Authorization
To protect students located outside the state of Alabama who may take distance education courses, NW-SCC has joined the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). This enables students to take distance courses with us who are located in other states, with the exception of California. Students located in the state of California or outside of the U.S. should contact the Distance Education Office before enrolling.
Note to Students Located Outside the State of Alabama: If you are located outside the state of Alabama and are seeking certification or licensure, must pass an exam administered by a particular state, or are required to complete some type of internship such as cosmetology or nursing, you should verify that credit will be accepted in the state where you are located before enrolling in classes.
Students enrolling in the blended NAS100 (CNA) course must complete clinical requirements in the state of Alabama; this program prepares students to take both the written and skills examinations required by the Alabama Department of Health (ADPH) to be a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) in the state of Alabama. It is not intended to prepare students for certification in states other than Alabama. However, we are contacting other states to determine if course credit / certification earned at NW-SCC may apply in those states. Those determinations will be posted to the chart linked here.
NW-SCC must provide enrolled and prospective distance education students with information on filing complaints or grievances with the college, with its accrediting agency, and with the appropriate state agency for handling complaints in the student's state of residence/location. Please review the information linked below from our Distance Education Student Handbook for details.