Why to publish a paper with IJR?
- The papers of this journal has an open access to all
- Great source of reviewers from academics as well as industries.
- Rapid publication.
- High Impact Factor
- Indexed in more than 20 reputed databases
- Nominal fees of publication / Article Processing Charges
- 8 Years of track record
- 2300+ papers indexed in google scholar
- Served 7000+ authors from more than 40 countries
- A team of 200+ Editors and Reviewers from reputed institutes over the world
How to publish a paper?
Many primary authors may deal with this question, many of us may have innovative ideas to be published but they may not know the general steps of publishing a paper. The publication of the paper is simply done as per the following steps.
- Research over the topic
- Study what others have done
- Finalize your key area of research
- Work over the idea
- Prepare a draft(generally 6-8 pages)
- Revise the draft
- Check for the grammatical mistakes
- Check for the plagiarism
- Revise the draft
- Get opinion of other on your draft
- Make final corrections
- Submit the paper to the journal
- Wait for the reviewers comments
- Correct the paper and resubmit
- Complete the registration
- Congratulations!!! Your paper is published
Easy way of paper publication
IJR is trying to make the paper publication easy for the authors. We are working on reduction of the time for completion of the review process for the paper. The paper publication for the authors is a great learning experience where one can understand how to analyze, create, prepare, present and revise the technical details.
Invitation for journal publication
IJR invites the manuscripts in the areas of Engineering, Technology, and Sciences. All the areas of these broad categories are cover under the scope of IJR. The authors are requested to submit the original creativity of the data to this journal publication.
Formal Conditions of Acceptance:
- English is the compulsory language for the paper
- Paper should be original and should avoid the plagiarism
- Paper should present some contribution to the scientific research
How to Submit Papers