Dream for India
I dream for India to be a superpower, one which helps to
keep peace in this conflict-infested world. I dream that one day, instead of
Indians going abroad to study and work, people from the United States, the
United Kingdom and Europe will all come to India for their studies, and for
work. I dream that one day India will be the hallmark of safety and prosperity
in the world, and tourists from all over will come to see it's rich culture and
history without any fears. I dream that India will be the most scientifically
and economically developed country in the world, with every single citizen well
educated, it's leaders enterprising, daring, and visionary. I dream for India
to be the very definition of democracy with absolute equality in all things for
every citizen.
India is the seventh
largest country in the world, and the one with the second largest population.
The potential for growth of India's economy - for it's development - is huge.
But for this, first, our large population, which has till now slowed down our development,
and which is mainly a large number of unemployed, must be turned into a large
workforce for the country. This would make it an asset instead of a liability.
Employment generation is the need of the hour. Our current Prime Minister
Narendra Modi's Make in India campaign is a very good beginning to achieve this
goal. When our development looks to be progressing well enough, then our focus
should shift to ensuring the safety of all people in our society, especially
women and children. Instead of giving caste and religion based reservations, we
should give economic status based reservations to those candidates who are
deserving of it.
What Dr. Kalam said is absolutely the truth. If we do not
dream of making India truly great, of uplifting every section of the
population, of making it a Utopia, then we will never be able to achieve even a
tiny portion of that dream. India with it's large population, which has oodles
of talent, has the capacity to become as great as it once was, in the
oft-forgotten about annals of history, and even greater. India can be a beacon,
a guiding light for the rest of the world, especially other Asian and
developing countries to improve the quality of living of their citizens too and
to become more developed.
Another important requirement for India to develop and
become great is to improve the quality of education in India which has
degenerated into simply rote learning and bookish knowledge. It should instead
test students' conceptual understanding and practical application of those
concepts. Since these students are the future leaders of India, it is important
that they should get quality education, so that in turn, India can get quality
leaders. For India to move forward, visionary leaders who have a plan of how to
make their visions a reality. Education of all is a major requirement to
provide India with a skilled workforce, good leaders and to decrease the huge
number of unemployed in the country.
Stricter laws to protect the weaker sections of society i.e.
women and children should be implemented in such a manner that they, after a
point do not remain the weaker sections of society but instead become equal to
the other sections. For violent crimes such as murder, rape and assault, high
degrees of punishment should be handed out. Redistribution of land and wealth
from the rich to the poor can also be done to further blur the lines between
different classes and come closer to achieving equality. The family structure
in India has traditionally been strong, so instead of adopting the Western
method of living, a new variation of the traditional method is perhaps
required. This new method should focus on progress and development of a
scientific and modern outlook, without entirely giving up on the family values
and joint family structure that characterizes most Indian families.
I would hope that since I, and many of my fellow students,
have dared to dream for India to be great, maybe we and our elders can also
dare to make our dreams come true.