We live in a
technological age, with almost every member of the family having some kind of
electronic item (common being the smartphone) in their possession; from smartwatches
to Smart TVs we have it all. Ever wondered how your older devices and
electronic junks are being disposed or rather managed.
is E-Waste?
The term
E-Waste is pretty self-explanatory, it’s the electronic waste that is generated
by electronic products and their components, which are rendered useless for
their desired purpose or are way past their expiry date. These include computers,
servers, mainframes, monitors, compact discs (CDs), printers, scanners,
copiers, calculators, fax machines, battery cells, cellular phones,
transceivers, TVs, iPods, medical apparatus, washing machines, refrigerators,
and air conditioners, earphones, headphones, microwaves and so the list
With rapid
growth and development in the IT and communication sector, the shelf life of
the products are being decreased and people are quickly replacing their old
equipment for newer ones thus piling on to the ever increasing electronic
waste stream.
India is the
third largest e-waste generator, just behind US and China according to the UN’s
Global E-waste Monitor 2020. In India, Mumbai ranks first in generating e-waste
followed by Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Ahmadabad, Hyderabad, Pune, Surat
and Nagpur according to the research paper on Electronic Waste and India, Dr. S.
Chatterjee, Scientist-E, Department of Information Technology.
are the harmful effects of E-Waste?
The ill effects of irresponsible disposal of E-Waste can have a hazardous impact on human health as well as the ecology. It could leach into the soil from landfills thereby polluting the soil and water, including underground water, wells, lakes and other water sources.
burning of the said waste leads to air pollution, due to emission of these
gases into the atmosphere there by causing further health problems.
Sources of E-Waste:
Now, the
primary sources of E-Waste in India are government, public and private industrial
sector amounting to a 70% contribution, whereas, the household and
unserviceable appliances, educational institutes and corporate sector add a
total of 15% and the rest (15%) is shouldered by the manufactures and retail shops
discarded products.
Majority of the E-Waste junk consist of television (68%), desktop, servers
(27%), imports (2%) and mobile (1%).
Despite 23
units currently registered with Govt. of India, Ministry of Environment and
Forest / Central Pollution Control Board, as E-Waste recyclers / pre-processors
the entire recycling process more or less still exists in the unorganized
to dispose of E-Waste in an effective way:
Giving your
electronic junk to the kabadiwala (scrap
dealer), although may sound convenient but that’s a bad idea. The informal/ unauthorised
sector are not only ill-equipped but don’t follow the regulatory safety standards.
So, what should one do with these ever piling mountain junks?
The major R’s for plastic may work wonders here as well,
Reuse: Try using your gadgets as long
as you can. Upgrade to a better electronic product only when necessary and not
for style. If you don’t mind using a second hand model do so.
Repair: Treasure those warranty and guarantee
cards and adhere to repair policies. It would be even better if you can enquire
about them.
Recycle: Companies and online retail websites
provide exchange offers during discount season, do avail them and ask for it
whenever possible. It not only reduces the junk from your home but also eliminates
the risk of disposal by an amateur. Moreover, you can further enquire about how
they will dispose these items.