refer to the tiny little faults which stop something from being perfect, which
stop someone from being perfect. In short, imperfections are what make us
A truly perfect human being does not exist on this earth, for what could
be worse for humanity than being absolutely perfect?
is the little faults in someone’s character, the mistakes that a human can
make, that allows us to love someone. Perfection is an unattainable and
impossibly high ideal, but then it is not meant for humans to achieve, only for
us to work towards. It is the quest to be perfect, the drive to become better
and better, to push ourselves to the limit, that has prompted human beings to
grow and evolve throughout time.
compete with each other for every little thing, and while this often leads to
problems and misunderstandings, it also is the reason that we use our ingenuity
and why we keep on creating.
is often said that if you want to get the best out of someone who’s still
developing, the best way to do it is to give them someone they see as a rival.
The natural competitiveness that develops is the biggest driving force behind
their desire to improve from then on.
humans were never meant to be perfect, that was left to the organisms with
simpler minds than the complex, ever-changing nature of the human mind. With
the uncertainties of our minds, even if one day we attain what we perceive to
be perfection, the next day our perception itself might change, which in itself
makes a goal of becoming perfect unattainable for any human.
journey to the end is what matters, not the end itself. Life is just that, a
journey for us to try to become our best possible versions, by changing and
better understanding our notions of being perfect, and to keep trying to
improve ourselves in every way.
keep trying to become better people, because we realise that things can always
get better, that perfection, along with being an ideal, is a constantly
evolving truth that is different for everyone, as it should be.
realisation is also why humans keep hope and do not despair, because they
realise that even though they might never achieve their goal of perfection,
they can at least get a lot closer to that ideal.
all, to us, in the end, it is the little imperfections that matter, the little
faults which make us feel for others. For at the moment when you realize that
you truly understand someone, you also realize that you love them as they love
that is the gift, the blessing of having faults in us, that we can
understand each other, love each other and above all, try to become better
human beings every single day of our lives.
are an important part of us, because without them, what would be the point of
ever doing something new? What would be the point of love?
even, would be the point of living?
Ashly Lorenzana once said -
“People accuse me of falling in love easily. It
just means that I’m able to see the beauty in most of the people who cross paths
with me and I appreciate it for what
it is and also for what it isn’t. Love
is imperfect. Falling for someone’s flaws is just as necessary as falling for
their strengths."