In order to promote Online Education, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has notified necessary regulation, which facilitates the Universities to offer full-fledged Online Program. The UGC has also notified Credit Framework for Online Learning Courses through SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds) Regulations, 2021 which allows upto 40% of the total courses being offered in a particular programme in a semester through the online learning courses offered through SWAYAM Platform.
Several measures have been taken by the Government to increase the enrolment in higher educational institutions, which inter-alia include opening of more centrally funded institution, encouraging opening of institutions by State Governments through the RashtriyaUchchatarShikshaAbhiyan (RUSA) scheme, scholarship programmes to supplement the cost of education, use of ICT technology-SWAYAM portal to reach out to people and allow them to secure good quality education. As a result of the efforts made, the Gross enrolment Ratio (GER) has increased over the years, from 24.3% in 2014-2015 to 27.1% in 2019-2020.