Our reporters had a conversation with Miss Sijo Joji- Head of placement cell outreach division where we got to know about the Training and Placement cell of JECRC University.
The main aim of the cell is to provide placements to the final year students from whichever branch they are. The team starts with the training part and they complete the bridge gap from academics to the corporates.
In the training part the students are being trained on how to deal with the hiring process and giving interviews. The hiring process itself has many processes in it mainly five are there. In JECRC University there is CRT(Campus Recruitment Training) which is for around 200 hours wherein more than seven agencies gives training to the students on aptitude, coding, communication skills, psychometry, behavioral skills, personal development and everything required for the corporates. The team prepares the module for CRT and approaches the agencies. More than 140 faculty members are involved in the confidence building part of the students this time. After the students are prepared to sit in the interviews now the team approaches the companies and the corporates and the interviews begins. After this training process, the selection process begins and the placements take place. This time the cell has taken the initiative to place those students too who got backlogged due to any reasons. There is one more vertical called New Schools where the faculty take responsibility of the management department in relation to placements.