ICMR2023: International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR) 2023
Higher education plays an extremely important role in promoting human as well as societal well-being and in developing India as envisioned in its Constitution - a democratic, socially conscious, cultured, and humane nation upholding liberty, equality, fraternity, and justice for all. Higher education significantly contributes towards sustainable livelihoods and economic development of the nation. As many countries like India is moving towards becoming a knowledge economy and society, more and more young Indians are likely to aspire for higher education. But unfortunately, the current Higher education system in India is not able to meet the standards and demands of the Global Scenario. It is felt that the Revamping of Higher Education is the need of the hour. The global challenges can be overcome through complete overhauling and re-energizing of the higher education system and thereby deliver high-quality higher education, with equity and inclusion.
Thus, with the holistic and multidisciplinary approach as stated in NEP 2020, the 21st Century higher education must aim to develop good, thoughtful, well-rounded, and creative individuals. The purpose of quality higher education is, therefore, more than the creation of greater opportunities for individual employment. The Higher education system must represent the key to more vibrant, socially engaged, cooperative communities and a happier, cohesive, cultured, productive, innovative, progressive, and prosperous nation.
Taking the legacy for more coming years ICMR2023 recognizes the purpose of transforming higher education system in India and thus organizing one day International E- Conference on the theme “ International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR) 2023” on 20th April 2023 National as well as international collaboration.
Objectives of the Conference
- The proposed Conference will put a lens on the holistic and multidisciplinary approach to higher education systems/standards.
- It will also focus on integration of Higher education system with Professional & Vocational education.
- It will also aim at integrating humanities and arts with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
- The Conference will also focus on restructuring higher education in terms of Academic and Curricular Planning, Teaching, Learning and assessment, Governance reforms, Policies & frameworks, financial robustness and improving administrative efficiency.
- The conference will through light on quality, standards, and benchmarks to be set up by the HEIs.
Submission Guidelines
- Original papers based on theoretical or experimental works should be related to the E-Conference themes.
- Author(s) should mention their designation along with the institutional affiliation and contact details.
- The paper should begin with title, short abstract and a list of keywords.
- The Abstract/Paper should be typed in MS Word, 12-point Times New Roman and 1.5 line spacing. The Abstract should be limited up to 500 words only and the full paper should be 10-12 pages.
- Figures and Table should appear within the body of the paper and should be numbered consecutively. The figure or table number and description should appear center in boldface 12-point type at the top.
- Illustrations, symbols, or parts of a figure should be produced graphically if at all possible.
- References to other publications must be in the 7th Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).
- Simultaneous submissions (papers already submitted to other conferences/journals) are not allowed.
- The Plagiarism must not exceed the limit of 20% including References.
- The organizing committee reserves the right to accept or reject the final paper at their discretion.
- Kindly send your Abstracts and Full-length paper with plagiarism report on icmr2023@edupub.org
List of Topics
Track 1. Restructuring Higher Education
- Flexibility and Innovative Curriculum
- Boundaries and Flexibility for Lifelong Learning.
- Understanding Global Issues and Challenges in Higher education
- Role of Academic Banks in Credit Transfer.
- Country Specific Knowledge System
- 21st Century Education and Economic growth
Track 2. High Quality Holistic and Multidisciplinary Approach to Higher Education
- Integration of STEM/STREAM/STEAM Approach
- Integration of Intellectual, Aesthetic, Social, Physical, Emotional, and Moral Development
- Social Engagement & Value System
- Global Citizenship Education (GCED)
- Peaceful, tolerant, inclusive, secure, and sustainable societies
Track 3. Quality and Standards in Higher Education
- Quality Parameters in Higher education
- Learner Centered Approach to Quality Education
- Assessment and Accreditation System
- Role of Academic and Administrative Audits
- Optimization and integration of Modern methods of teaching, learning and Assessment
- Policies, Committees and Frameworks.
Track 4. Opportunities & Prospects in Higher education
- Equity, Equality and Accessibility of Education
- Continuity, Consistency, and Innovations in Education
- Life Skills & Workforce Preparation
- Research Competency among Graduates
Send paper to icmr2023@edupub.org
- Conference proceedings will be published in Edited Book with ISBN.
- Some selected papers will be published in International Journal of Research, the Refereed Journal
- Some selected papers will be sent for publication in Scopus Indexed/UGC CARE listed Journal and will be published on the terms & conditions of the respective journal. The cost of publication in terms of Article Processing Fee (if any) will be borne by the author(s) separately from registration fee.
Important Dates
Date | Description |
20th March 2023 | Last date for submission of Abstract |
30th March 2023 | Last date for Submission of Research Paper with Plagiarism Report |
10th April 2023 | Notification for Acceptance of Research Paper for Conference |
21th April 2023 | Conference date |
Why Should You Attend?
ICMR-2023 provides you with unique benefits such as High-Quality Conference Materials, Conference Experience, Pre-Conference Abstract Reviewing Process, Certification, Awards, and Recognition, Publication Benefits, etc. However, early submission will help us to plan its publication schedule in a better manner. Selected papers after peer review presented/discussed at the conference will be published with ISBN in a book form.
The conference provides you with different Registration Packages with many benefits specific to your presentation category (Presenter/Attendee) for the conference. Please refer to the important dates to have insight into the abstract and payment deadlines.
Category | National (Rs.) | International (USD) |
Industry/ NGO Representatives | Rs. 500 | $ 10 |
Faculty & Research Scholars | Rs. 500 | $ 10 |
Students | Rs. 500 | $ 10 |
Attendees Only | Rs. 500 | $ 10 |
- Online Via E-Conference Website
- Per paper online publication fee LINK1 and LINK2 (if link1 is not working)