To abate air pollution in the National Capital Region (NCR), the 40 inspection teams/ flying squads constituted by the Commission for Air Quality Management in NCR and Adjoining Areas (CAQM) have been intensifying inspection and enforcement to ensure compliance of air pollution control laws and statutory directions.
During the current year 2023 (January - May), the flying squads have conducted 2,901 surprise inspections and field-level incognito checks at various sites across NCR including industrial units, Construction & Demolition (C&D) sites, commercial/ residential units using Diesel Generator (DG) sets, air pollution hotspots, etc.
Pursuant to the report of the flying squads, 147 closure orders against grossly violating units have been issued in NCR i.e. 05 in Delhi; 61 in Haryana (NCR); 60 in Uttar Pradesh (NCR); and 21 in Rajasthan (NCR) in respect of grossly violating units. During the period January – May, 2023, 51 industrial units were issued closure directions for using unapproved fuels, out of which only 08 were found using coal.
During the period January – May, 2023, resumption orders have been issued in respect of 201 units/ entities where closure directions had been issued (including in the past) by the Commission after due corrective measures and compliance of the air pollution control norms like obtaining Consent to Operate (CTO) and Consent to Establish (CTE), adherence to emission norms, use of approved fuels, installation of pollution control devices, etc. These sites comprise 24 sites in Delhi; 75 in Haryana (NCR); 81 in Uttar Pradesh (NCR); and 21 in Rajasthan (NCR).
CAQM is making efforts towards strict enforcement of its Statutory Directions and Orders. Violations and non-compliance of the Directions issued by the Commission and air pollution control rules/ regulations are being dealt under environmental laws. Beside closure of such grossly violating units, the Commission has also issued orders for imposing Environmental Compensation Charges (EC) and initiation of prosecution.
CAQM has also advised the State implementing agencies including State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) and DPCC to ensure compliance and strict implementation of the Statutory Directions issued by the Commission.