- The Central Information Commission (CIC) registered 19,207 number of appeals/complaints from 1st January, 2023 to 13th December, 2023 and 18,261 number of appeals/complaints were disposed. During this period, 6,112 Video Conferencing sessions were conducted.
- A three days’ training program for CPIOs of UT of Delhi was conducted from 21st June, 2023 to 23rd June, 2023 on the subject – “Submission of Quarterly Returns”.
- Outreach efforts were made by the CIC in which public hearings from 3rd July, 2023 to 5th July, 2023 for the UT of Jammu and Kashmir were organized at J&K Institute of Management and Public Administration, Srinagar to reach out to citizens in far flung and inaccessible areas who due to distance, old age and other limitations could not appear for physical hearings in Delhi nor do they have access to NIC studio to attend virtual hearings for appeals/complaints.
- A workshop was organized on 6th July, 2023 in Srinagar on the topic of “Challenges in implementation of the RTI Act”. The workshop was attended by 150 CPIOs from various Public Authorities (PAs) and Officials of CIC and J&K Administration.
- Focus and attention has been paid to the very important component of the RTI Act, the ‘Suo Moto Disclosure’, through transparency audit of various PAs, carried out annually. Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) issued guidelines vide OM No. 1/6/2011-IR dated 7th November, 2019 to all the PAs to get their proactive disclosure package audited every year. In the year 2022-23, 1,073 PAs have communicated their Audit Reports of proactive disclosure to the CIC through software. The CIC has also given advice/recommendations through software to concerned PAs on their Audit Reports and in pursuance to the guidelines issued by DoPT. The Commission has also carried out Sample Transparency Audit of 20 PAs for the year 2023.
- The Commission organised a One day seminar on "Cyber Security" on 31st October, 2023 which was first of its kind in the CIC. Shri Somnath Bannerjee, President CISO & Senior Vice President Global Services, delivered the keynote address.
- The Commission participated in conducting "Capacity Building Programme for Civil Servants of Republic of Maldives and Senior officers of Information Commission of Maldives (ICOM)" organised by the National Centre for Good Governance (NCGG), by way of making available resource personnel as key note speakers and also by providing exposure to VC facilities and related infrastructure in CIC. Total 120 participants, in which officers from ICOM, Civil Servants from various Departments of Maldives and Officers of NCGG, participated.
- The CIC encourages law students to undergo an internship with the Commission wherein they are attached with the Commission to learn and contribute to the functioning of the Commission. The internship programme of the Commission has been designed for minimum period of one month, 47 law students underwent internship programme in the calendar year 2023.
