
Milestone Reforms & Initiatives of Mines Ministry


 “Self-reliance is not possible without a strong mining and minerals sector; because minerals and mining are important pillars of our economy”- Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi

  In line with the vision of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Mines has carved out a unique place for itself among the crucial ministries with series of policy initiatives, reforms and amendments in Acts & Rules during the year 2023. These reforms will pave the way to give further momentum to the Indian economy, which is at present one of the fastest growing economies in the world. These steps also include path-breaking initiatives impacting the strategic sectors of our economy. Some of the major highlights of the initiatives/reforms undertaken by the Ministry of Mines during the year 2023 include :-

Ø  Launch of  first ever auction process for Critical and Strategic Minerals for India


Ø  Mines and Minerals (Development & Regulations) Amendment Act, 2023


Ø  The Offshore Area Minerals (Development And Regulations) Amendment Act, 2023


Ø  Streamlining of  rules /provisions of  District Mineral Foundation (DMF)  for more effective implementation of Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY)


Ø  Stepped up exploration activities by Geological Survey of India (GSI) for strategic and critical minerals and also fertilizer minerals 


Ø  Further strengthening  of bilateral and multilateral cooperation in mining sector


Ø  Successful participation and setting up of Mines Pavilion for the first time  at India International Trade Fair( IITF- 2023)


The specifics of the above stated initiatives/achievements having several spin off benefits to different sectors of our economy are listed below :-

Launch of the First Tranche Auction of Critical and Strategic Minerals

  Union Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Coal and Mines, Shri Pralhad Joshi lunched the very first tranche of auction of critical and strategic minerals on 29thNovember 2023. This includes 20 blocks (4 ML and 16 CL) minerals such as Graphite, Lithium, Glauconite, Potash, Nickel etc. across eight States and UT. Auction and extraction of these minerals will help in achieving self- reliance in critical minerals, boost our economy, enhance national security and support our transition to a clean energy future.

Union Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Coal and Mines Shri Pralhad Joshi addressing the Media,  after the launch of  the first  tranche  auction of critical mineral  blocks

The commencement of sale of tender document started from 29th November, 2023 and pre bid meeting has been conducted on 22.12.2023. Details of the mineral blocks, auction terms, timelines etc. can be accessed on MSTC auction platform. The auction is being conducted online through a transparent two stage ascending forward auction process.

   Efforts to attain self-reliance in Critical and Strategic Minerals

During the Year 2023, critical and strategic minerals have been a focal point which are essential for the country’s economic development and national security. The lack of availability of these minerals or concentration of their extraction or processing in a few countries may lead to supply chain vulnerabilities. The future global economy will be underpinned by technologies that depend on minerals such as lithium, graphite, cobalt, titanium and rare earth elements (REE). India has committed to achieve 50% of cumulative installed power capacity from non-fossil sources by 2030. Such an ambitious plan for energy transition is set to drive the demand for electric cars, wind and solar energy projects and battery storage systems thereby increasing the demand for these critical minerals. Critical and Strategic Minerals are in high demand and the same is usually met by imports.

India has proactively undertaken a series of initiatives aimed at strengthening the supply chain of critical minerals. Recently, the Central Government made a significant amendment to the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act (MMDR Act) in August 2023 to notify twenty-four minerals in Part D of the First Schedule of the MMDR Act, as Critical and Strategic Minerals. Section 11(D) has been inserted in the Act which confers the power of auction of Critical and Strategic mineral blocks to the Central Government,  to grant mineral concession for mineral specified in Part D of the First Schedule. Subsequently, Mineral (Auction) Amendment Rules, 2023 notified to prescribe the auction procedure for Critical and Strategic Mineral Blocks to be undertaken by the Central Government.

The revenue generated from these auctions shall accrue to State Governments. Royalty rates of critical minerals have been rationalized to encourage more participation in auctions. The Government  specified royalty rates for Platinum Group of Metals (PGM) at 4%, Molybdenum at 7.5%, Glauconite and Potash at 2.5% in March, 2022. On 12th October, 2023 the Government has specified royalty rates for Lithium at 3%, Niobiumat 3% and Rare Earth Elements at 1%. Very recently, on 19.12.2023 the Ministry of Mines has conducted a roadshow on critical minerals to further disseminate the information on such Minerals.

Policy Initiatives: Amendment To Act And Rules

 The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2023:-


The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 has been amended through Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2023. The Amendment Act inter -alia, provides the following:


     i.          Introduction of exploration licence for deep-seated and critical minerals. The exploration licence granted through auction shall permit the licencee to undertake reconnaissance and prospecting operations for critical and deep-seated minerals mentioned in the newly created Seventh Schedule to the Act.


   ii.          The blocks explored by the exploration licence holder would be auctioned for mining lease within the prescribed timeline, which will fetch better revenue to the State Governments. The exploration agency shall be entitled to a share in the auction premium payable by the mining lease holder. Deep-seated minerals, such as gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, nickel, cobalt, platinum group of minerals, diamonds, etc. are difficult and expensive to explore and mine as compared to surfacial or bulk minerals and thus share of deep-seated minerals in total mineral production is meager at present.


 iii.          The country is mostly dependent on imports of these minerals. The exploration licence would facilitate, encourage and incentivize private sector participation in all spheres of mineral exploration for critical and deep seated minerals.


 iv.          Further, 6 minerals, namely, (i) Beryl and other beryllium-bearing minerals (ii) Lithium-bearing minerals, (iii) Niobium-bearing minerals, (iv) Titanium bearing minerals and ores, (v) Tantallium-bearing minerals and (vi) Zirconium-bearing minerals and ores have been delisted from the list of atomic minerals specified in Part-B of the First Schedule to the Act. These minerals have various applications in space industry, electronics, communications, energy sector, electric batteries and are critical in net-zero emission commitment of India. Due to their inclusion in the list of atomic minerals, their mining and exploration is reserved for government entities. Due to removal of these minerals from the said list, exploration and mining of these minerals has been opened up for the private sector as well. As a result, exploration and mining of these minerals is expected to increase significantly in the country.


    v.          The Act empowers Central Government to exclusively auction mining lease and composite licence for certain critical minerals listed in new Part-D of the First Schedule to the said Act. As these critical minerals are indispensable for the growth of our economy, authorizing the Central Government to auction concession for these critical minerals would increase the pace of auction and early production of the minerals. Even in case of conduct of auction by the Central Government, the mineral concession shall be granted to the selected bidders by the State Government only and the auction premium and other statutory payments shall accrue to the State Government.


 Offshore Areas Mineral (Development and Regulation) (Amendment) Act, 2023:-


The Offshore Areas Mineral (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act,

2023, inter- alia, provides for the following, namely: -


   i.             Production lease to be granted only through auction by competitive bidding.


 ii.            Introduce composite licence which is a two stage operating right granted for the purpose of undertaking exploration operation followed by production operation. To be granted only through auction by competitive bidding.


iii.             Consequently, existing sections 11 and 12 regarding grant of reconnaissance permit and exploration licence on application basis to be deleted.


iv.   A declaratory provision to be inserted in the Act (under section 13C) to provide that in view of the introduction of auction as the only method of selection for grant of composite licence or production lease under the amendment Act, all applications received prior to the date of commencement of the said amendment Act shall become ineligible. Similarly, any holder of exploration licence granted pursuant to application received prior to the amendment shall be ineligible for grant of a production lease and accordingly such exploration licence shall be ineffective. This provision would remove the impasse in the sector.


 v.   Provision for renewal of production leases has been removed and its period is fixed as 50 years on lines similar to the MMDR Act.


vi.  A person cannot acquire more than 45 minutes latitude by 45 minutes longitude in respect of any mineral or prescribed group of associated minerals under one or more operating rights (taken together).


vii.   To ensure availability of funds for exploration, mitigation of adverse impact of offshore mining, disaster relief, research, benefit of the persons affected by exploration or production operations, etc., a non-lapsable Offshore Areas Mineral Trust would be set up which will maintain a fund under the Public Account of India. This will be funded by an additional levy on the production of minerals, not exceeding one third of the royalty.


viii.  Provision has been made to grant operating rights without competitive bidding to PSUs in the areas reserved by the Central Government.


ix. To promote ease of doing business, a provision has been made for easy transfer of composite licence or production lease.


 x. Provision has been made for grant of exploration licence or production lease only to PSUs in case grade of atomic mineral in an area is equal to or above a threshold value. Thus, allocation of blocks containing atomic minerals would be made to PSUs and allocation of blocks not containing atomic minerals would be made to PSUs and private entities through auction.


xi.  Scope of power of premature termination has been expanded to include ‘public interest’, ‘strategic interest of the country’ or ‘any other reason’.


xii.  Increased fine to 5 lakh rupees per standard block which may extend to 10 lakh rupees from existing fine of  upto 50 thousand rupees per standard block for illegal mining and also increased fine for other offences.


In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (3) of Section 9 of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957, the Second Schedule of the MMDR Act, 1957 has been amended vide G.S.R. 736 (E) dated 12.10.2023 for specifying rate of royalty in respect of Lithium, Niobium and Rare Earth Elements (REEs).

Minerals (Other than Atomic and Hydro Carbons Energy Mineral) Concession Rules, 2016 has been amended through the Minerals (Other than Atomic and Hydro Carbons Energy Mineral) Concession (Amendment) Rules, 2023 for specifying methodology for calculation of Average Sale Price (ASP)/ Value of Estimated Resources (VER) for Rare Earth Elements (REEs) and Lithium vide G.S.R. 737 (E) dated 12.10.2023.

 Other Reforms


   i. In June 2023,  the Ministry of Mines issued directions under section 20A of the Mines and Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act 1957 to all State Governments, to dispose the minerals (except the minerals prescribed under Part A and Part B of the First Schedule of the Act) obtained in any public work, such as road, canals, pond digging or any other government infrastructure development projects carried out by any Government Agency authorized to do so by the Central or State Government.


 ii. Ministry of Mines vide order number 16/27/2023-M.VI dated 21.04.2023 issued directions under Section 20A of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 to all State Governments/Union Territories to initiate the process for auction of lapsed mining leases granted under erstwhile Rule 58 of the Mineral Concession Rules, 1960 (MCR, 1960).


iii. Based on the recommendations of the Committee constituted to examine the issue of misclassification of different grades of iron ore and other minerals, in October 2023 the Ministry of Mines, vide letter dated 03.10.2023, issued guidelines to minerals rich State Governments for prevention of misclassification of different grades of iron ore and other minerals.


iv. Sixteen (16) Accredited Private Exploration Agencies were notified by the Ministry under the second proviso to sub-section (1) of section 4 of the MMDR Act, 1957 for the purpose of carrying prospecting operation without a prospecting licence.


Status of Auction & District Mineral Foundation (DMF)


 Since the introduction of auction regime in 2015,  335 mineral mines are auctioned in the country. During the Year 2023, 76 mineral blocks have been successfully auctioned till December. Out of these, 30 mineral blocks were auctioned for Mining Lease (ML) and the remaining 46 were auctioned as Composite Licence (CL). Out of the total 335 blocks auctioned since 2015, 46 are operational and 43 are in production. During the year 2023, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan have successfully auctioned the maximum number of blocks, i.e.22 and 16 respectively. In 2022 a total number of 33 Iron Ore Mineral were auctioned which was the highest mineral blocks auctioned in the year 2022. Similarly, this year also a highest number of 24 Iron Ore mineral were auctioned followed by 20 Nos of Limestone Mineral blocks.

During the year 2023 a total of 267 NITs have been issued by different States blocks. The details of which are as follows:

State-wise details of blocks put up for auction



Andhra Pradesh










Madhya Pradesh








Uttar Pradesh






Central Government




District Mineral Foundation (DMF)


Section 9B of MMDR Act empowers State Governments to establish District Mineral Foundation (DMF) to work for the welfare and benefit of persons, and areas affected by mining related operations and make rules for composition and functions of the DMFs in the State.

Under section 20A of the MMDR Act, Union Government circulated Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY) guidelines on 16.09.2015 with directions to State Governments to incorporate the same into the DMF rules framed by them.  DMF is funded by statutory contributions from holders of mining lease. Funds under DMF are accrued at the districts concerned and are utilized by the DMF as per the guidelines for implementation of projects under PMKKKY. Accordingly, DMF has been constituted in 644 districts of 23 States.

Till October 2023,  Rs. 84884.12 crore has been collected under DMF out of which Rs. 79426.00 crore have been allocated for various projects under PMKKKY and Rs. 46770.96 crore has been utilized. In all, 315225 projects have been sanctioned under the scheme and 169576 projects have been completed so far.

            India Mobile Congress (IMC) 2023 (27th to 29th October, 2023):


        i.            Department of  Telecommunications along with Cellular Operators Associations of India (COAI) has jointly hosted India Mobile Congress (IMC) (2023) during 27th to 29th Oct 2023 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi with the theme ‘Global Digital Innovation’. Ministry of Mines actively participated in IMC, 2023, with special focus on demonstrating the potential use of 4G/5G technology in the mining sector. Various companies to showcased innovative 5G use cases aimed at revolutionizing mining operations. The Ministry of Mines set up a dedicated 5G stall at IMC 2023, showcasing the pioneering 5G use cases.


      ii.            During the event, the stall of the Ministry of Mines was visited by the Secretary, Mines and other senior officers, demonstrating the adoption of 5G technology in the mining sector and how 5G technology can significantly improve mining operations, making them safer, more efficient and environmentally responsible.


    iii.            Over 500 visitors from different backgrounds, students, government officers, academia, industry associations, young entrepreneurs had visited the Ministry of Mines' stall.


Successful participation in 42nd India International Trade Fair (IITF) 2023

For the first time the Ministry participated in the India International Trade Fair (IITF) 2023 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi held from 14th to 27th November, 2023. The Mining pavilion was conferred with Silver Award under most popular pavilion category. It was a collaborative effort with the public and private sector mining companies to showcase achievements of the Government in the fields of mining and mineral production through policy reforms leading to Ease of Doing Business.


The Mining Pavilion attracted about 70,000 visitors with more than 2000 students participating enthusiastically in workshops on recycling of metals. They showed keen interest in the significance of mining industries and minerals in our daily life and also took digital pledge for avoiding Single Use Plastic. The visitors were sensitized about the work done for ensuring inclusiveness of mining affected people under the Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY). Various Self Help Groups from Keonjhar (Odisha), Bhilwara (Rajasthan) and Sonbhadra (Uttar Pradesh) displayed handicrafts and weaves made by them as beneficiaries of PMKKKY. The VR Zone offered an altogether new experience of underground mining and metallurgy for the visitors.


Mines Ministry’s successful participation in 42nd India International Trade Fair (IITF) 2023

International Cooperation Activities

 1. Joint Working Group (JWG) Meetings:

i.      The 3rd Joint Working Group (JWG) meeting between India and Peru under the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the field of Geology and Mineral Resources was held on 15th March 2023 through virtual mode.

ii.     4th Meeting of the Joint Working Group (JWG) of India and Mozambique under the  Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation in the field of Mineral Resources was held on 06th June, 2023 in Ministry of Mines.

iii.    The 2nd Joint Working Group meeting between India and Bolivia under the Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in the field of Geology and Mineral Resources was held on 9 June 2023 through VC.

2. Bilateral/ Multilateral Meetings with Foreign Countries:

Ministry of Mines held various bilateral/multilateral meetings with different countries in 2023 to strengthen the position of India in international mining arena. Union Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, Coal and Mines Shri Pralhad Joshi held bilateral talks with Minister of Resources and Northern Australia, Madeleine King in March to strengthen Critical Mineral Supply Chain.

Delegations lead by the then Mines Secretary Shri Vivek Bhardwaj held bilateral meetings with delegations of Mongolia in May, United Kingdom in June, Australia in June and Chile in August. Cooperation in the area of Critical & Strategic Minerals was the focus of these meetings along with cooperation in other areas like Geology, Supply Chain resilience etc.

In October, Mines Secretary Shri V L Kantha Rao held delegation level talks with Germany on converting abandoned mines into heritage sites to highlight the role such mines played in the economic development of the country. Further,  in November the Secretary held bilateral talks with European Union regarding Critical Raw Materials Club and with Australia in December to discuss bilateral relationship in areas of Mining, Resources and Critical Minerals and on broader priorities of both Governments.

Bilateral meetings were also held by delegations lead by Dr Veena Kumari Dermal, Joint Secretary (Mines), with European Union twice – focus being India Joining Critical Raw Materials Club to be established by the EU, with Chile to explore future collaboration in mining sector and subsequently  with Australia in November to discuss on Australia - India Critical Minerals Investment Partnership. Overall, the year 2023 was highly engaging and fruitful with respect to India’s involvement with other countries in mining sector.


3. Interactive consultation held with other Ministries/ Govt. organizations and industries:

i.        The First meeting of "Inter-Ministerial Group on Critical Minerals " for formulating overall coordinated approach for formation of a holistic strategy for Critical Minerals and action plan to support the same was held on 25.09.2023 under the chairmanship of Shri V.L Kantha Rao , secretary, Ministry of Mines.

ii.       An interactive consultation was held on 26.09.2023 under the chairmanship of the Secretary with the Industry representatives to discuss various issues related to Critical Mineral under the consideration of Govt. of India- (a) Mineral Security Partnership (MSP) projects (b) Critical Mineral Chapter under India-Australia CECA negotiation (c) Energy and Raw Materials (ERM) chapter under India-EU negotiations (d) Critical Raw Material Club (CRM) proposed by EU.

iii.      An interactive consultation session with Industry stakeholders was held in October in Ministry of Mines under the chairmanship of Shri V. L. Kantha Rao, Secretary (Mines) for seeking insights and feedback on cooperation in mining sector with Zambia, Bolivia and Saudi Arabia.


4.   Participation in the International Mining events to showcase India’s capabilities, interest and opportunities in mining sector:


i.                    An Indian delegation led by Minister of States for Railways, Coal & Mines, Sh. Raosaheb Patil Danve participated in 'Mining Indaba- 2023' Cape Town, South Africa during 6th to 9th February, 2023. An Indian pavilion was also set up at Mining Indaba- 2023 to showcase the strength of our Mining and Mineral sector.

ii.                  Dr. Veena Kumari Dermal, Joint Secretary, participated in I2U2 Business Forum, Abu Dhabi, UAE in February 2023. The I2U2 emerged as a key platform for private and public sector stakeholders from India, Israel, the United States, and the United Arab Emirates to explore potential synergies and to deepen constructive partnerships.

iii.                An Indian delegation led by Shri Vivek Bhardwaj, the then Secretary, participated in 'PDAC- 2023' Toronto, Canada during 5th to 8th March 2023. An Indian pavilion was also set up at 'PDAC- 2023'.

iv.               An Indian delegation led by Shri Shakil Alam, Economic Adviser, of the Ministry  participated in the CRU's World Copper Conference- 2023 at Santiago, Chile from 17th to 19th April 2023.

v.            Dr. Veena Kumari Dermal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Mines participated in the International Lead and Zinc Study Group (ILZSG) and the International Copper Study Group (ICSG) meetings held in Lisbon, Portugal during 26th to 28th April, 2023.

vi.                An Indian delegation led by Dr. Veena Kumari Dermal, Joint Secretary (Mines) attended the ‘DRC Mining Week Expo & Conference’ held at Lubumbashi, Congo during 14th to 16th June, 2023.

vii.              An Indian delegation led by Shri V.L. Kantha Rao, Secretary (Mines) participated in High Level Meeting of International Energy Agency (IEA) on Securing Critical Minerals for a Clean Energy Future held in Paris, France on 28th September, 2023.

viii.           An Indian delegation led by Shri Shakil Alam participated in the International Oil and Mining Expo 2023 held at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia from 3rd to 5th Oct 2023. An Indian Pavilion was also set up during the exhibition.

ix.               An Indian delegation led by Shri V.L. Kantha Rao, Secretary (Mines) participated in “London Metal Week” Annual gathering and the session on 'responsible investment into critical mineral sector in London, UK from 09th to 10th October, 2023. During the event the Indian delegation also participated in Fourth Minerals Security Partnership Principals' Meeting on 10th October, 2023.

x.                  An Indian delegation led by Shri Shri Raosaheb Patil Danve, Hon'ble Minister of State for Mines, Coal & Railways participated in ‘International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC)- 2023' at Sydney, Australia during 31st October to 2nd November, 2023.

xi.                An Indian delegation led by Ms. Nirupama Kotru, Joint Secretary & Financial Advisor, Ministry of Mines has participated in ‘Mining Show-2023’ held in Dubai, UAE from 21st to 22nd November, 2023.


 India's G20 presidency was held from December 1st, 2022 to November 30th, 2023.


i.)        Within the G20, the Energy Transition Working Group (ETWG) was constituted to share and collaborate in accelerating clean, sustainable, affordable and inclusive energy transitions. Total four meetings of Energy Transitions Working Group were held under India’s G20Presidency starting from 5th February, 2023 to 21 st July, 2023 in Bengaluru, Gandhinagar, Mumbai and Goa.

ii.)      Ministry of Mines in coordination with Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) organized virtual session on “Decoding G20 consensus on critical minerals for energy transitionon 31st October, 2023.

iii.)    New Delhi Leaders Declaration of G20 has acknowledged the role of critical minerals in Energy Transition and is included in the declaration. Further, the  Declaration also takes note of the High Level Voluntary Principles for collaboration on Critical Mineral for Energy Transition proposed by Government of India.

iv.)    Ministry of Mines organized an Outreach Programme on Role of Government and Industry in Driving the Global Action on Critical Minerals and Launch of the First Tranche of Auction of Critical Mineral Blocks on 29th November, 2023 involving Ambassadors/Mission Heads of various countries as well as representatives of businesses in India,  and other stakeholders.


 Bilateral/ Multilateral partnerships:

 i.    Minerals Security Partnership (MSP):

 Minerals Security Partnership is an ambitious new US-led multilateral partnership to secure supply chains of critical minerals, aimed at reducing dependency on China. In June 2023, India  became newest partner (14th member country) in MSP, to accelerate the development of diverse and sustainable critical energy minerals supply chains globally while agreeing to the principles of the MSP including environmental, social and governance standards. A list of 19 MSP projects has been shared for consultation and India’s participation in MSP projects. India has shown its interest in three MSP projects.


ii.    India- Australia Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA):


   The Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) between Australia and India was signed on 2nd April 2022 and came into force from December 2022. The agreement offers an opportunity for both the  Parties to enhance cooperation and collaboration in the area of exploration, mining, extraction and processing technologies of critical minerals. Total Five rounds of India – Australia CECA Negotiations have been held on the " Critical Mineral track".


 Khanij Bidesh India Limited (KABIL):-


Khanij Bidesh India Limited (KABIL), the JV Company set up by Ministry of Mines, in August, 2019, with equity participation of NALCO, HCL and MECL is currently focusing on sourcing of Lithium and Cobalt for the domestic market and engaging with few companies / projects in Australia, Argentina and Chile.

i)      Under the MOU signed between KABIL and Critical Mineral Office (CMO), Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR), Govt. of Australia, in March, 2022, for carrying out joint due diligence and further joint investment in Lithium and Cobalt mineral assets of Australia.

ii)     The due diligence activity for selection of suitable project for Investment was started by appointing a consultantPwC Australia in January 2023.

iii)   Shortlisting of five projects (2-Lithium projects and 3-Cobalt projects) has been completed in March 2023 and detail due diligence of these projects has been started subsequently. Both the sides are actively pursuing for expediting the due diligence process through regular engagement at various level.

iv)   In Argentina with reference to the MoU signed with CAMYEN, a state-owned enterprises of Catamarca province, Argentina on December 2020 to establish institutional co-operation for joint development of lithium mining projects, KABIL decided for exploration and development of five Lithium blocks of CAMYEN in Catamarca Province, Argentina, in February 2023, by signing an exploration and Development Agreement with CAMYEN.

v)    KABIL Board approved “Draft Exploration and Development Agreement” with CAMYEN and Proposal for opening of Branch Office in Catamarca in June 2023. Ministry of Mines has given necessary approval to KABIL for entering in to the Agreement.

vi)  Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) has been signed with ENAMI, a State-owned mining company of Chile in May, 2023 to evaluate possible business opportunities concerning theexploration, extraction, processing and commercialization of lithium.


National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET)


The National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) was established by the Government of India vide Gazette Notification in August 2015, in pursuance of subsection (1) of Section 9C of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957, with the objective to boost the regional and detailed mineral exploration activities.


Milestone achievements for Financial Year - 2023-24 (Till December 10th December)


(i)                  NMET has approved 51 mineral exploration/ financial assistance and procurements projects with the cost of ₹ 419.48 Cr.


(ii)               NMET has disbursed ₹ 120 crore for exploration / financial assistance and procurement of machinery equipment, projects of baseline data generation, incentive to state governments for successful auction of mineral blocks and advance for newly sanctioned 51 projects.


(iii)             These 51 projects include 21 projects of critical minerals with the cost of ₹. 54.34 Cr.


(iv)              NMET has funded 17 mineral exploration projects of Notified Private Exploration Agencies with the cost of ₹ 15.88 Cr. Out of 17 projects, 11 are of critical minerals.


(v)                NMET has provided financial assistance to three states for 03 projects amounting to ₹ 1.54 Cr. for procurement of machinery equipment. This includes, two projects of North Eastern states i.e. Meghalya and Manipur amounting to ₹ 67 Lakh.


(vi)             NMET has announced an Exploration Incentive (EI) of 25% of the approved cost of the project for G4 items in Greenfield areas for gold, base metals, other precious minerals, strategic/ critical minerals and fertilizer minerals. Exploration Incentives will be paid if the block is successfully auctioned or upgraded from G4 to G3 Stage.


(vii)          NMET has unveiled a transformative scheme leveraging Notified Private Exploration Agencies (NPEAs) for the exploration of critical mineral and strategic minerals mentioned in Part D of First Schedule and in Seventh Schedule of MMDR Act, 1957, directly through National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET)


 Initiatives of Geological Survey Of India (GSI)

(i)       GSI has completed 8306 sq. km Specialized Thematic Mapping (on 1:25,000 scale) out of 23000 sq. km target during Annual Programme 2023-24 till the end of November 2023.

(ii)    GSI has completed 59343 sq. km National Geochemical Mapping (on 1:50,000 scale) out of 120,000 sq. km target during Annual Programme 2023-24 till the end of November 2023.

(iii)  GSI has completed 33942 sq. km National Geophysical Mapping (on 1:50,000 scale) out of 1,00,000 sq. km target during Annual Programme 2023-24 till the end of November 2023.

(iv)   GSI has completed 6702 sq. km Large Scale Mapping (on 1:10,000/12,500 scale) out of 16,000 sq. km target during Annual Programme 2023-24 till the end of November 2023.

(v)     National Aero-Geophysical Mapping Programme (NAGMP), a flagship program of GSI to acquire uniform aero-geophysical data over the pre-identified Obvious Geological Potential area. During, Annual Programme of GSI 2023-24 till the end of November, 2023, around 55890 has been covered through NAGMP for identifying potential areas for further exploration.

(vi)   GSI has taken up about 358 mineral exploration projects during 2023-24.

(vii)To give impetus on exploration for strategic, critical and fertilizer minerals, GSI taken 127 projects on critical and strategic minerals like REE, Li, Mo, potash, tungsten, graphite etc. during FS 2023-24.

(viii)        In February 2023, a total of three G2 stage investigation reports [01 report of Zinc and 02 reports of copper] were handed over by GSI to the State Governments for auction. A total of twelve G3 stage investigation reports [03 reports each of Potash and Vanadium; 01 report each of Bauxite, Copper, Limestone, Lithium, Manganese and Molybdenum] were handed over to the respective State Governments, in the month of February 2023. Simultaneously, GSI also handed over a total of thirty-five [35] G4 stage Geological Reports/Geological Memorandums to the different State Governments for auction as Composite Licence. The G4 stage Geological Reports/Geological Memorandums pertains to Bauxite [04 nos.], Base metal [06 nos.], Gold, Graphite [03 nos.], Iron Ore [04 nos.], Manganese [03 nos.], Limestone [04 nos.], and one each of Lithium, Manganese, Ni-PGE-Au, Phosphorite, Tin and Tungsten. In the month of November 2023, GSI handed over 11 reports of critical minerals to Ministry of Mines for 1st tranche of auction of critical mineral blocks by the Central Government of India. The 11 reports comprised of four G2 stage, three G3 Stage and four G4 stage reports on critical minerals.


(ix)   GSI has implemented Online Core Business Integrated System (OCBIS) portal to fulfil the responsibility to disseminate multi-thematic geoscientific information freely for the use of all concerned stakeholders through “Bhukosh’’, the flagship Geospatial portal of GSI, following extant policies and guidelines. This data can be utilised by anyone for mineral prognostication as well as to generate new knowledge through research. During 2023 (January to November, 2022), 33962 external users downloaded the geospatial data and 833 external users downloaded the geophysical datasets and 51043 login hit made by external users in “Bhukosh’’ geospatial Portal of GSI.


(x)     During Annual Programme 2023-24, under Mission-III (Geoinformatics), GSI has taken up the projects on Map, Data Integration, Publication, Data repository and management, IT infrastructure, etc.). The major activity under Mission-III includes i) Creation of National Geoscience Data Repository (NGDR) in GSI, ii) Synthesis and collation of All India National Geochemical Map data (NGCM) and National Geophysical Map data (NGPM) on 1:50K scale for uploading in BhuKosh Geo Portal of OCBIS, iii) Updation and preparation of Metallogenic Map of India (1:2M) on Geospatial Platform, iv) Compilation Of Geological District Resource Maps, vi) Creation of GIS database in respect of Base metals, precious metals, PGE and Diamond etc., vii) Compilation and preparation of Geological and Mineral Resource map of different states etc. viii) Special Publication on Coal fields of Central India; ix) Gold mineralization in Jharkhand, x) Special Publication on North Singhbhum Mobile Belt (NSMB), xi) Special Publication on Geology of the Cuddapah Basin, India and xii) Geology and Mineral Resources of the States of Uttar Pradesh, Miscellaneous Publications No. 30, Pt.XIII, the third revised edition (a 2020 publication in Hindi), xiii) creation of Legacy Borehole Data Repository (LBDR).


(xi)   GSI has long been involved in systematic execution of numerous public-good geoscientific programs. During Annual Programme FS 2023-24, GSI has taken up 24 research projects on Geotechnical studies, 42 projects on landslide studies and 16 on seismo-tectonic studies.


(xii)GSI being the Nodal organization for Landslide study in the country, is developing the prototype Rainfall induced Landslide Early Warning System (LEWS) in collaboration with British Geological Survey (BGS) under the project LANDSLIP. The forecast model is being validated in Darjeeling and Kalimpong districts of West Bengal, Nilgiri district of Tamil Nadu and Rudraprayag district of Uttarakhand during Annual Programme FS 2023-24. Similar LEWS experimentation in 11 landslide prone States will be carried out up to 2025. During 2023-24, project work is continuing in Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Sikkim, Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya and Mizoram.


(xiii)                  An incidence of ground subsidence had taken place at Joshimath town in Chamoli district of Uttarakhand, resulting in development of ground fissures and cracks on the civil structures, including residential buildings, roads, hotels etc. Incident of accelerated ground subsidence ensued in the wee hours of 02.01.2023, following a sudden gush of water from the free face of the terraced slope located at Marwari, the lowest portion of Joshimath agglomeration. A team of geologists was deputed urgently to carry out preliminary investigation on land subsidence and a note on the current hazard scenario was submitted to CBRI/ NDMA. Further, on request from Uttarakhand State Government, GSI took up detailed mapping in the affected area.


(xiv)                  GSI has been carrying out real-time recording, monitoring and scientific study of earthquakes through its seismic observatories established in different parts of the country. GSI also has installed 35 permanent DGPS stations, across the country for real time ground deformation studies and research. The Seismo-Geodetic Data Receiving and Processing Centre (SGDRPC) analyses the data thus generated and carries out important research.


(xv) A request was received from Disaster Management cell, Andaman & Nicobar administration for a Geo-Scientific Investigation of Narcondam Island on reported incidences of a series of tremors, felt by local officials at the Island in the months of March and April, 2023. Based on the request, GSI constituted a team of Geoscientists to conduct a preliminary seismo-genic geoscientific study. A temporary seismic network comprising five number of three components digital short period (SP) seismograph instruments was set up during the period from 25.05.2023 to 07.07.2023 with an objective to record and monitor the area for seismic activity. A report on the findings of the study and necessary recommendations were submitted to the concerned authority.

The President of India,  Smt. Droupadi Murmu presented the National Geoscience Awards-2022 to GSI officers and other awardees at a ceremony held at Rashtrapati Bhavan Cultural Centre


(xvi)  As part of Mission–IV activities, fundamental research is being carried out in a host of diverse geo-scientific domains viz., Petrology, Palaeontology, Planetary Geoscience, Polar and Glacial Geology, as well as Geochronology & Isotope Geology. The projects of Petrology are dominantly designed to understand the controls, pathways and processes of mineralization in different mineral prospects. Some of the important researches undertaken in FS 2023-24 include characterisation and genesis of REE & Rare metals in Mangluru Schist Belt of Karnataka, Dhani Granite of Rajasthan, Metallogenic Evaluation of Gold & base metal mineralization in Ladakh Batholith, Central India and Gorubathan Formation of Darjeeling, Mineralogical and Geochemical Characterization of the Laterites, Lateritic Bauxite and Bauxite of Kutch Gujarat, East & West Khasi Hills of Meghalaya etc. A total of 22 items are presently being carried out on these lines.


(xvii) During Annual Programme FS 2023-24, till the end of November, 2023, GSI Training Institute has conducted 122 nos. training programmes on various themes. A total of 2984 participants have been trained from GSI, various DGMs and from other organizations.


Indian Bureau Of Mines (IBM)


Besides IBM’s core charter of functions, i.e. carrying out various field inspections, Ore Dressing investigations, some of the major achievements are;


1.      Implementation of the Sustainable Development Framework (SDF) through online evaluation system of Star Rating of Mines: Seventy-Six mines secured five Star rating for the reporting year 2021-22 and were felicitated by the Union Minister of Mines during the IBM Foundation Day Celebration held in Nagpur in March 2023.The year wise 5 Star Rated mines since inception of Star Rating System  are given below:




2.      Mining Surveillance System (MSS) is a satellite-based monitoring system which aims to establish a regime of responsive mineral administration by curbing instances of illegal mining activity through automatic remote sensing detection technology. Using the Mining Surveillance System, during 4th phase in 2022-23, 138 triggers are generated for major minerals. So far, 40 triggers have been verified and 07 cases of unauthorized mining have been detected.

3.      Under Mining Tenement System (MTS), Returns and Registration modules of MTS have successfully put on live from 1st May 2022 onwards accommodating the submitted returns for the month of April 2022 onwards. Registration, Returns and Mining Plan Modules were launched in 6th Mining Conclave on 12.7.2022. IBM registration portal has been successfully integrated with NSWS portal on 1.5.2023. Registration Module: During the FY 23-24 till November, 2023, a total of 427 Nos. of registration for different business domains has been carried out in the portal. Cumulatively Up to October, 2023, 8086 Miners, 5437 End Users, 10392 Traders, 2937 Stockiest, 1610 Exporters have registered online. Returns Module: Up to November, 2023, 1850 miners and 756 End Users have submitted Annual Returns for 2022-23. Mining Plan Module: During 2023-24, up to November, 2023, 487 Mining Plans have been submitted online in IBM-MPAS. DPR in respect of the other modules is in progress and they will become operational in phased manner.



4. As a part of Drone Application implementation, training of eight days each was imparted during 2022-23 to 124 officers from HQ and the Regional Offices of IBM on Basics of GIS and Processing of Drone Survey data.

5. UAV survey related activities: IBM issued Standard Operating Procedures under sub rule (5) of rule 34A of MCDR, 2017 for carrying out drone survey and submission of Digital Aerial Images of Mining areas to IBM.A register of receipt of drone/ satellite data submitted by the lessees under rule 34A of MCDR 2017 is being maintained at IBM.  IBM at its Headquarters has recently commissioned its largest Data Centers with capacity of 131 Terabytes. Up November, 2023, 1332 mines have submitted online Drone data on Drone Data Management System portal. So far up to November,2023, total validated data as per the SOP is 286 of which 278 validated data has been uploaded on DDMS Portal.

6. During the current year 2023, Average Sale Price (ASP) for Minerals up to September, 2023 and of Metals up to October, 2023& Strategic Metals up to August, 2023 has been hosted on IBM website. ASP of Strategic metals released for the first time.

7. IBM has brought out important publications like Indian Minerals Year Book 2021 (Vol. I to III), NMI –At a Glance as on 01.04.2020 and NMI – An Overview as on 01.04.2020, Half Yearly Bulletin on mineral Information for the period April 2022 to September, 2022&Oct.22 to Mar.23 issues, Bulletin on Mining Lease and Prospecting Licenses 2022 issue and Monthly Statistics of Mineral Production (MSMP) up to December, 2022 issue to disseminate the technical data for interest of all stakeholders.

8. As part of the capacity building of human resources, during 2023-24, upto November2023, IBM conducted 08 training programmes in which 168 IBM and 262 Industry personnel participated.

9. During 2023-24, the IBM offices observed Swachhata Pakhwada during 16th-30th November 2023 in office premises as well in mining site areas, nearby villages and schools. IBM also observed Swachhata Hi Seva during 15.09.2023 to 01.10.2023.During the period activities like Bicycle rallies, walkathon, plastic waste collection, mass cleanliness drives, SUP ban awareness programmes, distribution of swachhata kits  etc. taken up. IBM also joined Hon’ble PM’s initiative Ek Tareekh Ek Ghanta Ek Saath programme.

10.  In commemoration of its 75 years of dedicated service to the Nation in the field of Mineral Conservation, Development & Regulation, IBM celebrated its Foundation Day on 1st March 2023 in a grand scale. Hon’ble Union Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Coal & Mines, Shri Pralhad Joshi, was the Chief Guest and Shri Vivek Baradwaj, Secretary, Ministry of Mines was the Special Guest of the function. Additional Secretary & Controller General (I/c), IBM, Shri Sanjay Lohiya  and dignitaries from the Ministry of Mines, New Delhi, State Departments & Public Sectors and Mining Industry joined IBM on this event which included Award ceremony of 76 five Star-Rated mines. In this occasion, a commemorative Postal “My Stamp” & Souvenir have been released.


11.  Swachhata Campaign  3.0

Special Campaign 3.0 with a focus on activities of field offices has been observed in IBM HQ and all other field locations during the period 02.10.2023 to 31.10.2023. In this campaign, record management 8000 files, Disposal of Scrap/ Obsolete items, Development of four Innovative ideas, 30 Outdoor special campaign activities in schools and other public places, Cleanliness and beautification of office premises, Eco-friendly and tourist attract activities in selected 15 mine sites have been proposed as targets. For Record Management 100 % target is achieved. (Against Proposed 4) 7 innovative ideas are implemented including development of 3 compost pit sites one each at Jabalpur regional office, Ajmer regional office and Govt. run school in Ranchi, Development of  herbal garden and Badminton court at EZ Kolkata office and Development of Volleyball court at Bangalore office. 51 Outdoor special campaigns in schools and other public places are implemented against target of 30. Space to the tune of 2182 Sq Ft space is freed and Rs. 4,43,420/- revenue is generated through disposal of obsolete items / scrap. Fit India Run 4.0 has been organized at all 16 locations of IBM in the country during this campaign period. IBM bagged the 3rd Position in the overall conduct of the Swachchta Pakhwada campaign 2022-23.


12.     Filling up of vacancies in Mission Mode Rozgar Mela :DoPT vide O.M. dated 16.09.2022 informed that it has given the access to its Mission Recruitment Vacancy Status portal (the portal containing the details of vacancies to be filled on Mission Mode in r/o Ministry of Mines; URL: to the organizations under the administrative control of Ministry of Mines. Accordingly Offer of Appointment issued in the year 2023 to 143 candidates.


National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO)

NALCO has showcased stellar performance in it’s business segment in  FY 2022-23, as detailed below:


Performance Highlights for FY 2022-23:


Financial Highlights:


(i)            NALCO achieved highest ever revenue from operations of Rs. 14,255 Cr since inception.


(ii)         Despite of higher input costs coupled with a challenging global business environment, supply-demand and market volatility, NALCO recorded net profit of Rs 1, 544.49 Cr in the FY 2022-23.


(iii)       The Company continues to retain its position of lowest cost producer in Bauxite and Alumina production in the World in 2022.


Production Highlights:


(i)            Highest ever Bauxite excavation of 75.51 lakh tonne in FY 2022-23 against the annual target of 75.50 lakh tonne, surpassing the previous highest of 74.14 lakh tonne in FY 2018-19.


(ii)         Bauxite Production of 74.57 lakh tonne achieved against target of 74.50 lakh tonne in FY 2022-23.


(iii)       Alumina Refinery achieved Alumina Hydrate production of 21.23 lakh tonne against normative capacity of 21.0 lakh tonne, which is 101.1 % capacity utilization.


(iv)        Full capacity production of 4.6 lakh tonne, with all 960 POTs in operation in Aluminium Smelter for the 2nd consecutive year.


Sales Highlights:


Highest ever metal sale of 4.64 lakh tonne achieved in FY 2022-23 against previous highest of 4.56 lakh tonne in FY 2021-22.


New Product:


Launched a new downstream product-Aluminium LED cap stock in Alloy AA1100 with temper H12 in coil form on 29.12.2022.




GeM Procurement:


(i)            GeM procurement of Rs. 4,211.97 Cr in FY 2022-23 against Rs. 3,121.47 Cr in FY 2021-22, registering an increase of 35% over last FY.


(ii)         NALCO procured 97.66% of its procurement out of total procurement value of items available in GeM.


(iii)       MSEs procurement is 29.88% against the mandate of 25%.



Performance Highlights for FY 2023-24 (Till Nov’2023)


(i)             NALCO achieved highest ever cumulative Aluminium metal sale of 3,09,502 MT up to the month of Nov’23, surpassing the  previous highest of 3,06,809 MT achieved in FY 2022-23 up to Nov’22.


(ii)           Coal transportation from Utkal-D coal mine to CPP started in Apr’2023. Cumulative Coal production of 1 million tonne from Utkal-D Coal block have already been achieved.


(iii)         Pottangi Bauxite Mines: Issuance of EC in June’2023 and Stage-II FC in Aug’2023.


Major CSR Activities taken up by the Company: 


The Company has taken up many projects for socio economic development of local populace. Few of the notable flagship CSR schemes of the Company are noted below:


(i)      “Nalco-Ki-Ladli” scheme: The scheme is in-line with the Beti Bachao- Beti Padhao scheme of GoI. Financial assistance is provided to meritorious girl child of BPL family of various villages of Koraput District & Angul District. (816 Students till date)


(ii)    Indradhanush scheme: Sponsoring free Residential Education primarily to tribal children from various villages of Koraput District (1,147 Students till date)


(iii)  Door step Health service through 8 Mobile health units (MHUs): Keeping the poor and inaccessible health infrastructure in view, NALCO runs 8 Mobile health Units (MHUs) in order to provide Primary Health care facility at Door Step of the people through these MHUs at around various villages of Koraput District &Angul District benefiting more than 1 Lakh patients every year.


NALCO’s participation in Swachhata Drive:


(i)        Special Campaign 3.0 was observed from 2nd Oct’23 to 31st Oct’23 across all units of NALCO. A number of activities including cleanliness drive, awareness rallies, plant sapling distribution, swachhata pledge, street play, scrap disposal &shramdaan etc. undertaken across all the units of NALCO.


(ii)       Cleaning & weeding out old files carried out across all its site offices, production units, regional offices and corporate office.


Major Awards & Accolades:


(i) Panchpatmali Bauxite Mines has been conferred with 5 Star Rating Award by IBM, Ministry of Mines for its sustainable Mining for the FY 2021-22.

(ii) NALCO participated in the Mining Pavilion set up by the Ministry of Mines in the India International Trade Fair 2023 at PragatiMaidan and showcased its activities through virtual reality.


Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL)

  1. The Company has achieved a Profit Before Tax and Revenue from Operations of Rs 395.66 Crore and Rs. 1677.33 Crore in FY 2022-23.

      ii.            HCL has paid dividend of Rs.58.84 crore to the Government of India. Total dividend pay-out to the Shareholders is Rs. 88.97 crore.

    iii.            The Company has added 66.59 million tonnes of Copper Ore in its reserves and resource base during FY 2022-23. As on 01.04.2023, the total Reserve & Resource of Copper Ore within HCL’s mining leases is 698.44 million tonnes of ore with average grade of 1.31% copper.

    iv.            HCL has signed the tripartite 8th Wage Settlement before Dy. Chief Labour Commissioner (Central), Kolkata, on 03.01.2023 for revision of Wages and Allowances of Workmen. The Settlement is for a period of 10 years w.e.f. 01.11.2017 to 31.10.2027.

      v.            A MOU for collaborative and sponsored research projects was signed between HCL & IITISM_DHANBAD on 03.01.2023 for enhancing production through modifying mining methods with application of technologies, improvement of productivity and safety in mines, environmental clearance etc.

    vi.            HCL and TCIL signed an MOU on 28.10.2023 at Indian Mobile Congress 2023 at PragatiMaidan Delhi to showcase used cases of 5G technology in its mines.

  vii.            Malanjkhand Copper Project, was adjudged for 5 Star Rating Award for the year 2021-22 for excellence in all the set norms in the Mining industry.

viii.            HCL has won the 35th CFBP (Council for Fair Business Practices) Jamnalal Bajaj Award for fair business practices, period- 2022-23, in the category of Manufacturing Enterprises- Large at Mumbai on 16.05.2023.

    ix.            HCL won “The ASSOCHAM Business Excellence Award for Smart Waste Management Initiative” of the Year at the Indian Mining and Minerals Conclave held in Kolkata on 30.06.2023.

      x.            HCL has been declared winner of IIM [Indian Institute of Metals] Non-Ferrous Best Performance Award under the category of Large Integrated Manufacturing Plant.

  1. HCL has attended the ceremony of National Geoscience Award - 2022 ceremony was held on 24.07.2023 at Rashtrapati Bhawan Cultural Center (RBCC), New Delhi.

  xii.            HCL won the prize for the "best stall" in the exhibition "Alluring Rajasthan" held at Udaipur, Rajasthan from 23rd- 25th Feb.’2023 and “best pavilion” in the 26th National Exhibition "Contribution to make Advanced, Powerful and Great India” held at Kolkata on 24.08.2023 on in celebration of India’s G20 Presidency.

xiii.            Malanjkh and copper mine have been declared Winner of the National Safety Award in the large opencast metalliferous mines category for Longest Injury Free Period.

xiv.            HCL signed a MOU with Mineral Exploration and Consultancy Limited on 25.08.2023 for a duration of three years to carry out exploration and allied works within its mining leases in Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.

  xv.            HCL distributed the employment offer letters to 63 Graduate Engineer Trainees GET’s, 5 Mining Mates - Grade 1 and 3 Electricians - Grade 2 at the third PM Rozgar mela organized on 20.01.2023.

xvi.            HCL was the nodal organization and on behalf of Ministry of Mines, Govt. of India, had set up a Pavilion in Mining Indaba Conference 2023 at Capetown during 06.02.2023 to 09.02.2023. Hon’ble Union Minister of State of Railways, Coal & Mines Shri Raosaheb Danve& Hon’ble Minister of Mining &Labor Department, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Shri Brijendra Pratap Singh inaugurated the Pavilion.


xvii.            HCL participated in the ICDC Copper Conference 2023, held in Mumbai on 23.02.2023 and also participated in the 43rd National Seminar/Webinar on 24.02.2023 based upon "Capacity Expansion through extensive exploration & innovations for sustainable growth in Non-ferrous Mineral Industries" held at Khetrinagar, KCC.

xviii.            A National Seminar on “Deep Mining Solutions for a Sustainable Future” was organized under the aegis of the Malanjkhand Technical Association (MTA), a professional body of Malanjkhand Copper Project on 29.04.2023.

xix.            Meeting of Standing Committee on Coal, Mines & Steel was held on 02.05.2023 at Leh and Coorg on 22.08.2023. The subject of the meeting for HCL was “Self-Reliance in mineral and metal with reference to Copper Industries”.

  xx.            Hindustan Copper Limited celebrated the 9th International Yoga Day on 21.06.2023 across all its Units and Offices.

xxi.            As a part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM), HCL is organizing Wellness camp (with Emphasis on AYUSH) across all its Units. As per directives from Ministry, there will be a theme-based celebration of AzadiKaAmritMahotsav (AKAM).

xxii.            HCL had organized month long awareness campaigns on Mission LiFE like outreach activities, seminars, quiz, bicycle rallies etc. before the World Environment Day on 05.06.2023. World Environment Day was celebrated at all units and offices of HCL.

xxiii.            C&AG has conducted supplementary audit of financial statements of HCL for year ended 31st March, 2023 under Section 143(6)(a) of the Companies Act, 2023 and given Nil comment on 21.07.2023. 

xxiv.            Shri Sarbananda Sonowal, Union Minister of AYUSH, and Ports, Shipping and Waterways, was the Chief Guest at the Closing Ceremony of AYUSH Wellness Camps organized by HCL on 04.08.2023 in New Delhi in the presence of Shri Vivek Bharadwaj, Secretary, Ministry of Mines. CMD, HCL, Director (Operations) & Director (Mining) were also present in the occasion.

xxv.            HCL took a pledge on the occasion of Organ Donation Day (Angdaan Mahotsav) across all units of HCL on 03.08.2023 to celebrate and commemorate 75 years of independence of India, as per directives of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

xxvi.            "Meri Maati Mera Desh" Abhiyan was carried out in all the Units and Offices of HCL with great fervor on 14.08.2023. In the occasion, CMD, HCL, also administered the Panch Pran Shapath to the employees of HCL Corporate Office in Kolkata.

xxvii.            HCL team devoted to the Mission of “EkTareekhEkGhantaEkSaath” on 01.10.2023 for an active community engagement in progress by cleaning of Ward No. 72, Padmapukur, Kolkata – 700025.  

xxviii.            H.E. Mr MP Singh, Indian Ambassador to Mongolia, inaugurated the Indian Pavilion at the 12th Mongolian Mining and Oil Expo, 2023, at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, on 03.10.2023. HCL was the Nodal PSU for setting up of Indian Pavilion at the Expo in Ulaanbaatar on behalf of Ministry of Mines. A team of delegation from Ministry of Mines, and other PSUs took part in the conference.

xxix.            Hindustan Copper Limited is proud to be a part of Fit India Freedom Run 4.0 in observance of "Swachh Bharat Swasth Bharat”.

xxx.            Minister of State for Coal, Mines & Railways, Shri Raosaheb Danve, inaugurated the Indian Pavilion at IMARC event in Sydney, Australia on 31.10.2023. HCL participated with its delegation at IMARC event.

xxxi.            HCL participated in the Mining Pavilion set up by the Ministry of Mines at the India International Trade Fair (IITF) 2023 at PragatiMaidan, from 14th -27th November, 2023 to showcase its activities through virtual reality and display of products made by the Self Help Groups who are beneficiaries of CSR activities.

xxxii.            HCL observed Swachhata Pakhwada during the 2nd fortnight from 16th - 30th Nov, 2023. Few of its salient features were observing Clean Mines, targeting adjoining villages to make ODF, launching of pilot schemes of zero waste mines, Mass plantation drive etc which will have an impact on the Mining sector. Secretary (Mines) administered the Swachhta Pledge on 21.09.2023 under the Swachhta hi seva campaign. CMD, HCL along with all Functional Directors and Senior Officers of HCL undertook the pledge and attended the event through VC.


Mineral Exploration And Consultancy Ltd. (MECL)


        i.            The drilling performance during the year 2023-24 upto November 2023 is 2,00,314 m. During previous year upto March’ 2023, company registered drilling production of 235844 m. 


      ii.            The Gross Revenue (including other income) upto November ’23 is Rs. 173.74 Cr.


    iii.            During 2023 (Till Nov-23), MECL has submitted 22 nos. of Geological Reports of different minerals commodities e.g. Lignite, Copper, Iron ore, Manganese, Graphite, Potash, limestone, nickel, gold etc. and added 2815.047 million tonnes of resources to National Mineral Inventory out of which 19 Geological Reports have been submitted to NMET.


    iv.            During year 2023-24 till November, MECL has received approval of 17 numbers of projects with estimated cost of Rs. 63.91 Cr. and approval of another 10 number of projects of estimated cost of Rs. 46.01 Cr. is under processing.


      v.            During the year MECL has successfully completed Phase-1 exploration works in Neelam Khan Area, Kistwar District, UT of J&K with extreme climatic conditions. Lab works is in progress for samples collected in this phase.


    vi.            MECL is engaged with Ministry of Mines for preparation & demonstration of mineral blocks to provide technical support and services for its auction process. Initially 50 blocks of strategic & critical minerals have been identified to be auctioned in different phases including 16 blocks explored by MECL. NIT has been issued for 20 blocks in first tranche.


  vii.            MoU signed between Geological Survey of India (GSI) and Mineral Exploration and Consultancy Limited (MECL) on Supplementing NGPM work in Eastern Region.


viii.            Extension of MoU between Geological Survey of India (GSI) and Mineral Exploration and Consultancy Limited (MECL) for supplementing GSI in exploratory drilling in coal and lignite.


    ix.            Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) for copper exploration.


      x.            Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with Geological Survey of India (GSI), Northern Region for carrying out Ground Gravity and Magnetic Survey, data processing, interpretation and technical report submission under NGPM programme. 


    xi.            Under strategic diversification program, to increase sustainability and profitability MECL is diversifying its activities in both areas viz. business level and corporate level diversification. Further MECL is also providing consultancy to State Government for technical support to study the feasibility of mineral block for its auction purpose. MECL is also providing geochemical analysis services as a referee agency to various coal and power companies, State Governments, CPSEs and other agencies.


  xii.            Through Business Development & Commercial Division, rigorous efforts are being continued to generate/obtain more works from both private and public sectors through competitive Techno-commercial offers and MoU as well as bilateral negotiations. As a result, during the year 2023, the total value of order book stood provisionally at Rs. 424.50 Cr upto 30.11.2023. This includes contractual work of various clients such as NALCO, RSMML, HCL, NMDC, GSI, CMPDIL, DMG Karnataka,  etc. and NMET funded work and promotional coal exploration work on behalf of Ministry of Coal (MOC).


xiii.            Corporate Social Responsibility: MECL is a premier Public Sector Enterprise responsible for exploration of all major minerals like coal, lignite, iron-ore, copper, zinc, limestone etc., developmental mining in various remote parts of the country. Generally, exploration projects of MECL are located in remote areas.


xiv.            While conducting business of the company, MECL is also committed to participate and contribute towards development in the geographic area of its operation so as to provide opportunity for the economic, social, educational, infrastructural, health & hygienic cultural development of the people living in and around our working places through CSR & SD initiatives.


  xv.            To systematically fulfil the needs & requirements of the population living around projects/ CHQ/RMCs in a sustained manner on small or large scale, as the need be, a policy for planning, executing and monitoring of CSR/SD works is essential.  Accordingly, the MECL CSR & SD Policy, taking into consideration of past practice and experience of implementing various CSR/SD   initiatives around MECL projects in place.  The DPE guidelines have also been taken into account in this regard.


Highlights of Achievements during 2023 (upto November, 2023)


        i.            MECL has added 2815.047 million tonnes of mineral reserves in National Mineral Inventory.


      ii.            The company has proposed to pay dividend of Rs.4.18 crore to Govt. of India for the year 2022-23.


    iii.            MECL has carried out more than 100 public activities under the aegis of Azadi Ka Amrut Mahostav (AKAM) during the year under report.



Jawaharlal Nehru Aluminium Research Development & Design Centre (JNARDDC), Nagpur

During 2023-24 upto Dec 2023, JNARDDC completed one project and nineteen R&D projects are in progress for various government and non-government organization.


Technical Testing & Consultancy work:-

     i.   Third party referee sample analysis of around 17,000 coal samples provided by CIMFR, Dhanbad and QCI, New Delhi upto Nov 2023.

   ii.   Characterization of around 5,000 samples for trace element analysis in soil and sediments for GSI Jaipur and other regions

 iii.   Characterization of bauxite, graphite, iron ore and rare earth elements of around 2000 samples for OMECL, Bhubaneshwar.

 iv.   Characterization of around 5,000 iron ore samples under process for M/s Lloyd Metals and Energy Ltd of Surjagarh Iron mine, Gadchiruli, Maharashtra.

    v.   Characterization of around 1,000 different mineral samples for MECL, Nagpur.


Seminars and Conferences

     i.   27th International Conference on Non-ferrous Metals (ICNFM-2023), Ranchi 07-08 July, 2023 Ranchi, India

   ii.   Meet on “Geo-technological Evaluation of Bauxite deposits’’ at JNARDDC on 18th  August, 2023

 iii.   Brainstorming session on “Quality and quantity assessment of plateau top lateritic bauxite using advance remote sensing technology” with NRSC-ISRO, Hyderabad; 27-Oct 2023, JNARDDC, Nagpur

 iv.   41st International Conference and Exhibition (ICSOBA -2023); 05-08 Nov ,2023 at Dubai UAE

    v.   75 AKAM Awareness programs – PAN India (which included 84 Waste Utilisation & Scrap Recycling Drives (Al, Cu, Pb, Zn & Steel) including industry visit and awareness conference in 5 colleges and 22 ZP schools of 11 districts of Vidarbha region (April – Aug 2023)

 vi.   11th International IBAAS-2023 Conference & Exhibition; International Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium Society, Nagpur 04-06 Dec, 2023



JNARDDC has already surpassed the internal revenue target of 16 crores for 2023-24 with an IEBR of ₹17.25 crores till now.




Two patents were granted for various innovative process developed by JNARDDC.


1.      “A process for preparation of aluminium hydroxide with low soda content” vide no. 455707 on 29.09.2023.


2.      "Development of process for revitalization of high alumina castables from residual Aluminium dross vide no. 471016 on 21.11.2023


Awards / Recognition


Dr Priyanka Nayar, Scientist of JNARDDC was awarded the first prize in 11th International IBAAS-2023 Conference & Exhibition; International Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium Society, Nagpur 04-06 Dec, 2023 for the paper “Preparation of 2-Propanol Aluminium Salt (AIP) as an Intermediate for 4N pure alumina without employing a catalyst” 


Inauguration of new facilities / labs


Shri V L Kantha Rao, IAS, Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Mines reviewed the activities of JNARDDC on 21.10.23. He inaugurated 3 new lab facilities (Fire Assay Lab for precious metals, Microscope &Microhardness tester of Downstream Lab).



Swachh Bharat Mission 2.0 :-


Following activities undertaken under SBM 2.0

i.             Renovation of 2 nos. of Gents & Ladies toilets of Block-1 of JNARDDC office

ii.            Renovation of D-1 & D-2 Guest House


JNARDDC participated in the Mining Pavilion set up by the Ministry of Mines in India International Trade Fair 2023 and showcased its activities. The Workshops conducted for School Students on Recycling of Metals were highly appreciated.


National Institute of Rock Mechanics (NIRM), Bengaluru 


NIRM projections/estimates

From 01 January 2023 till 30 December 2023 NIRM completed 54 projects worth 21.73 crores.  Further upto 31 March 2024, NIRM likely to add 20 more projects in the field of mining, civil and critical infrastructure sectors till March 31, 2024 in its endeavour to deliver rock mechanics and rock engineering solutions to various challenges being faced by these industries. The flow of work at NIRM is strongly dependent on industry requirements and projects running at national and state level which is always variable

In the economic sphere, we were able to achieve significant growth and generated salary and administrative expenditure during the year. Additionally, NIRM augmented scientific instrumentation and upgraded facilities to keep up with the changing global needs and advancements partly through internal resources. NIRM strives to work towards higher technical and financial sustainability, the requirements for sustaining its high-quality services require strong support in terms of capital upgradation, skilled human resources and financial support to the tune of ₹8 to ₹10 crores annually.

It is anticipated that with the collaboration of mining, power, nuclear and infrastructure sector organizations both public and private, NIRM shall gear up to reach new horizons towards a coherent future with a stable strategy to face the future global competitions.

NIRM-Industry interaction for skilling and awareness: As part of the AKAM lecture series the advanced services of NIRM have been disseminated through lectures, demonstrations, training programmes and workshops for making the ever-evolving industry with the latest techniques available for troubleshooting various problems in the geological, geotechnical and rock engineering arena. NIRM scientists have been members of Expert Committees for BIS, ISRM, ISEG, MEAI, KSDC, KSDMA,IGS, IGU, ISET, and ISRMTT.

NIRM provided internship training for 17 students from different educational ‎institutions: fourteen engineering students from Dr. TT Iinsitute of ‎Technology, KGF Anna University, Chennai, Calicut University, Kerala, Mangalore university, Karnataka, as a part of knowledge ‎dissemination and skill development.‎

IITF2023 :NIRM participated in the Mining Pavilion at the IITF2023 to showcase its activities and capabilities in providing world class solutions to various mining and infrastructural sectors through personal interactions, video sessions, tutorials, quizzes that kept the public and children engaged as was the list of professionals, Ministers and government officials that visited the Mining Pavilion.


Snapshots of IITF2023 with participation of students and public; Snapshots of IITF202


(i)     NIRM Scientific Publications: During this period, the Institute has to its credit 26 technical research papers, published in National and International Journals, and conference.  .


(ii)   As part of AzadiKaAmritMahotsava (AKAM), NIRM was tasked by Ministry of Mines (Govt. of India) to organize a lecture series (workshop) on the topic, “Role of Rock Engineering in Nation Building” under the theme "Atmanirbhar Bharat" to were conducted for students in 75 different engineering/ science colleges/ institutes. 



List of major projects during Jan - Dec 2023 include:


Quality checking of granite stones to be used for construction of Shri Ram temple at Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh


Quality checking of raw granite blocks for new Anubhava Mantap project Basavakalyan, Karnataka


 NDT of critical components and HEMM equipments testing at Rampuru Agucha Mines, M/s HZL, Rajasthan


Construction stage engineering geological mapping of the foundation floor of on-site emergency support center at Rawatbhata, Rajasthan.


Engineering geological investigation of power house block and pressure tunnels of Polavaram Hydro Electric Project (12 x 80 MW), East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh


Engineering geological/geotechnical mapping and characterization of rock mass for the Bherughat and twin tunnels, portals areas of 4 laning of Tejajinagar to Balwara section of NH-347BG, Madhya Pradesh


Hiring of services of NIRM on nomination basis for vibration impact analysis on buried 42” SBHT Gas pipeline passing through premises of the Surat Airport, Gujarat


Geophysical investigation to characterise the overburden rock mass and to locate the shallow aquifers along the hydro tunnel alignment of Sengulam Augmentation scheme, Idukki District, Kerala


Geophysical investigation to assess the cause of cracks in the SCADA control room building of HPCL Mangalore, Karnataka


Guidance and support to Micro seismic monitoring at RampuraAgucha Mine, Hindustan Zinc Ltd. Rajasthan


Slope Stability Study of the Mine Pit and Waste Dump of Bhadra Iron Ore mine (130.53 Ha) in Ittanahalli Village, Sandur Taluka, Bellari District, Karnataka.


Geotechnical study for assessment of stability of mine pit and waste dump of Devadari Iron Ore mine (ML.No.006,100.54Ha) Lakshmipura village, Sandur taluk, Bellary, Karnataka


Determination of In-situ Stress Parameters for the design of stopes at RajpuraDariba mine, HZL, Rajasthan


To carry out in situ stress parameters at the disilting chamber of Kirthal-II, HE Projects Jammu & Kashmir


To carryout hydraulic fracture and goodman jack tests in powerhouse site of Bhavali PSP, Maharashtra


Geotechnical Mapping and Numerical Modelling of Underground Workings at Malanjkhand Copper Project, Hindustan Copper Limited, Madhya Pradesh


Analysis of Geotechnical & Geodetic Instrumentation Data at C-3 Package of Punatsangchhu-II Hydroelectric Project, Bhutan.


3D Numerical modelling studies of powerhouse complex for lakhwar multipurpose project (300MW), Uttarakhand.


Monitoring of ground vibration and air overpressure due to blasting carried out for construction of unit 5&6 of Kaiga atomic power plant, Kaiga, Karnataka


Technical guidance on controlled blasting for site grading at “The World at Jubilee Hills” site and ground vibration and air overpressure monitoring (Phase II Extension 2), DSR-SR prime spaces LLP, Hyderabad, Telangana.


Technical guidance services for excavation of various powerhouse complex components of punatsangchhu-II (1020MW) Hydroelectric project by controlled blasting PHPA-II, Bhutan.


QA support for the ongoing Geological/Geotechnical investigations at mahiBanswara Rajasthan Atomic power project, Banswara, Rajasthan.


Macro Landslide Hazard Zonation Mapping in the area surrounding the proposed chutka Madhya Pradesh Atomic Power Project at Village-Chutka, District-Mandla, Madhya Pradesh



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