With reference to the news item published in The Hindu dated 9th July 2024 titled “Confusion over revised NCERT textbooks for classes VI, IX and XI leave teachers in a tizzy” it is clarified that the news item is factually incorrect and misleading.
The article mentions that:
- Class VI NCERT textbooks would take another 2 months to reach students
- It was not communicated properly by the CBSE whether only classes III and VI would receive revised textbooks or classes IX and XI would also be included.
- Class IX English & geography and class XI computer science, chemistry and history textbooks are not printed
To allay any misgivings and for greater clarity, the following is reiterated –
- All Grade 6 textbooks will be made available by NCERT within July 2024. The 2-month dateline being referred to is incorrect. In order to provide adequate time to teachers and students for hands-on experiences under experiential learning perspectives and to ensure smooth transition for both teachers and students from old to new curriculum, NCERT has already made available a month-long bridge programme in all the 10 subject areas for Grade 6, which is being used for teaching at present.
- In March 2024 itself, it had been informed vide CBSE’s circular no. Acad. 29/2024 dated March 22, 2024 that for all classes other than 3 and 6, there is no change to the existing curriculum or textbooks. In light of misleading information, schools have once again been advised by CBSE to continue using the same textbooks for these classes as they did in the previous academic year (2023-24).
- RPDC Bangalore caters to all South Indian States including Tamil Nadu. Title-wise demand of Class 9 and 11 textbooks received from RPDC Bangalore has been met by NCERT Publication division and no shortage has been reported by RPDC Bangalore.
