As per latest India State of Forest Report (ISFR) – 2021 published by Forest Survey of India (FSI), Dehradun, the total forest cover of the country is 7,13,789 square kilometre which is 21.71% of the geographical area of the country. The State-wise details of the forest cover in the country including the State of Maharashtra is given at Annexure-I.
The Government has provided funds under various schemes and programmes such as National Mission for a Green India (GIM), Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats, Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA), Nagar Van Yojana (NVY) and Mangrove Initiative for Shoreline Habitats & Tangible Incomes (MISHTI) etc. These funds supports the efforts of the States and UTs for ecological restoration through afforestation in and outside forest areas, forest landscape restoration, habitat improvement, soil and water conservation measures, and protection etc.
The details of funds provided by the Ministry to States and UTs including Maharashtra during the last five years and current year under the Green India Mission, CAMPA, Development of Wildlife Habitats, Nagar Van Yojana and MISHTI etc. are given at Annexure-II to Annexure-VI respectively.
The National Adaptation Fund on Climate Change (NAFCC) was established to finance climate change adaptation projects for vulnerable States and Union Territories of India, with NABARD serving as the National Implementing Entity (NIE). A total of 30 projects were sanctioned under NAFCC across different states. NAFCC was transformed from scheme to non-scheme in 2022.
Various parts of the country have witnessed increasing extreme weather events in the backdrop of global warming. Complex interactions between the earth system components amidst the warming environment and regional anthropogenic influences have led to a rise in frequency of localized heavy rainfall events, drought and flood occurrences, increase in the intensity of tropical cyclones etc.
The Government of India stands committed to combating climate change through its several programmes and schemes including the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) which is the overarching framework for all climate actions. States /Union Territories (UTs) have prepared their State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) in line with NAPCC taking into account the State specific issues relating to climate change. There is National Policy on Disaster Management to ensure efficient response and relief in the event of disasters. Disaster Management Plan has been framed to assist all stakeholders including State Governments in Disaster Risk Management. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has issued guidelines on many extreme weather and climate events. India has also proactively taken a lead in promoting international collaborations through Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure.
Annexure I
State/UT wise details of Forest Cover in the country as per ISFR 2021
(Area in hectares)
* Area of shapefile provided by Survey of India (August, 2021). Notified geographical areas for individual UTs from SOI are awaited.
Annexure II
Details of funds released to all States/UTs for the last five years and current year under National Mission for a Green India (GIM)
(Rs. In Crores)
Sl. No. | States | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 | 2024-25 |
1 | Andhra Pradesh | 0.00 | 0.00 | 2.02 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
2 | Arunachal Pradesh | 0.00 | 0.00 | 13.43 | 21.28 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
3 | Chhattisgarh | 5.04 | 1.66 | 6.12 | 0.00 | 0.09 | 0.00 |
4 | Haryana | 0.00 | 0.00 | 9.55 | 0.00 | 7.60 | 12.19 |
5 | Himachal Pradesh | 0.00 | 17.09 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
6 | Jammu & Kashmir | 0.00 | 25.73 | 0.00 | 6.49 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
7 | Karnataka | 2.21 | 2.35 | 4.45 | 2.93 | 2.33 | 0.00 |
8 | Kerala | 16.32 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
9 | Madhya Pradesh | 30.65 | 0.00 | 18.29 | 17.93 | 8.62 | 23.61 |
10 | Maharashtra | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
11 | Manipur | 4.16 | 6.74 | 9.93 | 5.45 | 8.91 | 0.00 |
12 | Mizoram | 17.71 | 2.99 | 29.86 | 36.27 | 21.13 | 0.00 |
13 | Odisha | 14.19 | 26.01 | 17.74 | 8.4756 | 12.59 | 0.00 |
14 | Punjab | 3.19 | - | 3.32 | 2.7393 | 5.38 | 0.00 |
15 | Sikkim | 3.12 | 2.19 | 7.77 | 6.57 | 7.50 | 12.24 |
16 | Uttarakhand | 0.00 | 27.89 | 33.99 | 28.40 | 31.94 | 0.00 |
17 | West Bengal | 9.43 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.76 | 0.76 | 0.00 |
18 | Uttar Pradesh | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 5.43 | 0.00 |
Total | 106.01 | 112.65 | 156.46 | 137.29 | 112.28 | 48.05 |
Annexure III
Details of Annual Plan of Operations of States/UTs approved by National Authority for the last five years and current year
(Rs. in Crores)
S. No. | State/UTs Name | 2018-19 | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 | 2024-25(upto 1st July, 2024) |
1 | Andaman and Nicobar Islands | 1.56 | 0.00 | 2.13 | 0.00 | 10.97 | 6.70 | 10.42 |
2 | Andhra Pradesh | 118.00 | 322.97 | 330.82 | 325.00 | 224.09 | 226.70 | 248.37 |
3 | Arunachal Pradesh | 259.15 | 0.00 | 155.46 | 240.35 | 195.29 | 190.69 | 0.00 |
4 | Assam | 45.21 | 55.89 | 88.34 | 95.01 | 162.16 | 109.69 | 0.00 |
5 | Bihar | 37.40 | 140.18 | 238.76 | 106.84 | 115.42 | 37.88 | 0.00 |
6 | Chandigarh | 1.27 | 1.87 | 2.26 | 3.60 | 1.66 | 1.54 | 1.40 |
7 | Chhattisgarh | 897.52 | 848.51 | 1347.02 | 1500.76 | 688.46 | 471.21 | 519.58* |
8 | Delhi | 0.00 | 0.00 | 19.55 | 16.15 | 33.93 | 47.15 | 34.55 |
9 | Goa | 4.83 | 17.95 | 32.68 | 21.55 | 36.53 | 31.28 | 29.56 |
10 | Gujarat | 212.66 | 256.47 | 240.69 | 200.00 | 205.00 | 250.02 | 310.50 |
11 | Haryana | 195.95 | 100.97 | 203.95 | 317.59 | 270.68 | 69.03 | - |
12 | Himachal Pradesh | 127.72 | 145.82 | 158.38 | 138.10 | 190.23 | 185.14 | 184.52 |
13 | Jammu and Kashmir | 113.76 | 126.74 | 184.33 | 269.97 | 312.69 | 370.55 | 276.38* |
14 | Jharkhand | 399.53 | 399.29 | 376.56 | 437.608 | 764.85 | 412.14 | 459.00 |
15 | Karnataka | 101.41 | 146.23 | 212.94 | 321.09 | 270.98 | 313.89 | 275.85 |
16 | Kerala | 7.96 | 0.00 | 15.78 | 25.13 | 17.26 | 9.06 | 8.93 |
17 | Ladakh | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 60.55 | 0.00 |
18 | Madhya Pradesh | 383.67 | 456.09 | 860.93 | 713.46 | 889.84 | 1070.61 | 1109.82 |
19 | Maharashtra | 230.00 | 499.38 | 599.32 | 688.27 | 708.11 | 597.57 | 720.82 |
20 | Manipur | 24.85 | 30.36 | 27.79 | 25.09 | 22.59 | 20.26 | 0.00 |
21 | Meghalaya | 0.00 | 0.00 | 33.97 | 36.40 | 26.67 | 30.91 | 24.75 |
22 | Mizoram | 8.30 | 0.00 | 32.66 | 18.08 | 16.74 | 14.60 | 22.77 |
23 | Odisha | 0.00 | 610.52 | 773.39 | 901.03 | 1191.31 | 948.04 | 1099.58 |
24 | Punjab | 102.56 | 102.15 | 177.85 | 218.06 | 203.01 | 257.10 | 125.94 |
25 | Rajasthan | 205.67 | 265.39 | 280.70 | 286.70 | 249.19 | 286.49 | 198.44 |
26 | Sikkim | 0.00 | 54.99 | 75.49 | 95.30 | 92.85 | 79.95 | 44.00 |
27 | Tamil Nadu | 7.71 | 0.00 | 66.62 | 0.00 | 38.22 | 44.149 | 57.80* |
28 | Telangana | 237.38 | 501.26 | 483.78 | 752.71 | 772.65 | 455.30 | 404.85* |
29 | Tripura | 16.70 | 20.83 | 21.51 | 35.242 | 52.90 | 59.77 | 61.87 |
30 | UP | 150.60 | 285.68 | 442.01 | 586.89 | 344.08 | 172.04 | 155.24 |
31 | Uttarakhand | 318.30 | 218.00 | 353.64 | 726.88 | 320.15 | 383.82 | 335.37 |
32 | West Bengal | 23.10 | 70.07 | 74.00 | 58.30 | 52.83 | 79.40 | 63.51 |
| Total | 4232.77 | 5677.61 | 7913.31 | 9161.15 | 8481.34 | 7293.23 | 6783.82 |
* Including spillover amount for FY 2023-24.
Annexure IV
Details of funds released to State/ UT Governments under Central Sponsored Scheme - ‘Development of Wildlife Habitats’ during last five years.
(Rs. in lakhs)
Sl. No. | Name of States/UTs | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 |
1 | A& N Islands | 132.64 | 0 | 135.77 | 25.125 | 0 |
2 | Andhra Pradesh | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3 | Arunachal Pradesh | 512.69 | 312.5865 | 419.80617 | 276.44062 | 672.462 |
4 | Assam | 164.26 | 0 | 0 | 209.1464 | 565.10763 |
5 | Bihar | 148.142 | 205.1644 | 410.85952 | 0 | 336.37223 |
6 | Chandigarh | 0 | 25.16 | 0 | 21.6241 | 16.498 |
7 | Chhattisgarh | 310.0318 | 104.35936 | 274.5903 | 104.457 | 116.24868 |
8 | Goa | 111.654 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 50.10 |
9 | Gujarat | 0 | 124.5849 | 0 | 200.01 | 206.99 |
10 | Haryana | 237.6078 | 18.2212 | 127.331 | 30.1575 | 167.85 |
11 | Himachal Pradesh | 375.76554 | 187.63518 | 197.09452 | 114.3205 | 94.15328 |
12 | Jammu & Kashmir | 0 | 80.62863 | 0 | 0 | 69.57972 |
13 | Jharkhand | 93.96 | 198.2265 | 79.53315 | 0 | 14.91025 |
14 | Karnataka | 739.046 | 586.12634 | 1256.59314 | 291.71146 | 581.52346 |
15 | Kerala | 845.026 | 731.2845 | 295.7737 | 224.4735 | 921.0361 |
16 | Madhya Pradesh | 629.266 | 801.60127 | 389.34906 | 265.5508 | 471.81959 |
17 | Maharashtra | 715.781 | 146.08 | 0 | 350.3879 | 554.69645 |
18 | Manipur | 396.455 | 241.12 | 142.50646 | 180.64379 | 231.72407 |
19 | Meghalaya | 238.839 | 263.507 | 530.51253 | 0 | 243.56611 |
20 | Mizoram | 431.79 | 339.60855 | 198.9678 | 190.1977 | 304.207 |
21 | Nagaland | 953.69 | 260.00105 | 342.0315 | 725.6565 | 1306.3275 |
22 | Odisha | 701.504 | 697.50 | 726.80273 | 967.4976 | 612.81161 |
23 | Rajasthan | 741.315 | 309.12634 | 1007.64845 | 86.78886 | 0 |
24 | Sikkim | 557.355 | 349.623 | 182.97174 | 239.66048 | 187.03237 |
25 | Tamil Nadu | 409.505 | 334.0354 | 390.75715 | 132.95205 | 373.8902 |
26 | Telangana | 0 | 36.59304 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
27 | Uttar Pradesh | 426.251 | 312.9244 | 169.06261 | 266.7472 | 290.64425 |
28 | Uttarakhand | 1401.19 | 441.61031 | 226.34415 | 212.9662 | 498.497 |
29 | West Bengal | 891.073 | 710.61953 | 757.25599 | 201.30866 | 385.29988 |
30 | Puducherry | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5.22 |
31 | Lakshadweep | 193.272 | 462.409 | 462.086 | 269.9055 | 124.655 |
32 | Delhi | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
33 | Tripura | 90.317 | 260.679 | 0 | 0 | 186.05514 |
34 | Ladakh UT | 0 | 223.17292 | 31.95 | 61.11591 | 0.06 |
Grand Total | 12448.42614 | 8764.18832 | 8755.59767 | 5648.84523 | 9589.33752 |
Annexure V
Details of funds released to State/ UT Governments under Nagar Van Yojana for the last five years from 2020-21 to 2024-25
(Rs. In lakhs)
Sl. No. | State/UT | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 | 2024-25 | Total |
1 | Andaman & Nicobar Islands | 0 | 56.35 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 56.35 |
2 | Andhra Pradesh | 0 | 117.4 | 358.61 | 5938.68 | 0 | 6414.69 |
3 | Arunachal Pradesh | 0 | 0 | 56 | 24 | 24 | 104 |
4 | Assam | 0 | 169.61 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 169.61 |
5 | Bihar | 143.71 | 100.78 | 137.61 | 44.804 | 0 | 426.904 |
6 | Chandigarh | 0 | 0 | 13.412 | 0 | 0 | 13.412 |
7 | Chhattisgarh | 0 | 690.42 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 690.42 |
8 | Goa | 0 | 143.71 | 0 | 61.59 | 0 | 205.3 |
9 | Gujarat | 0 | 297.5 | 203 | 0 | 0 | 500.5 |
10 | Haryana | 0 | 449.02 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 449.02 |
11 | Himachal Pradesh | 0 | 166.46 | 319.4 | 0 | 0 | 485.86 |
12 | Jammu & Kashmir | 0 | 138.46 | 476.28 | 107.34 | 0 | 722.08 |
13 | Jharkhand | 87.71 | 236.53 | 1762.8 | 145.29 | 0 | 2232.33 |
14 | Karnataka | 216.02 | 140.35 | 0 | 260.44 | 0 | 616.81 |
15 | Kerala | 0 | 1055.28 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1055.28 |
16 | Madhya Pradesh | 216.86 | 1010.7 | 1175.1 | 0 | 2442.53 | 4845.19 |
17 | Maharashtra | 158.06 | 156.86 | 193.87 | 0 | 0 | 508.79 |
18 | Manipur | 0 | 143.71 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 143.71 |
19 | Meghalaya | 0 | 0 | 242.76 | 0 | 0 | 242.76 |
20 | Mizoram | 0 | 284.06 | 1766.1 | 121.74 | 0 | 2171.9 |
21 | Nagaland | 0 | 129.29 | 0 | 1895.29 | 0 | 2024.58 |
22 | Odisha | 0 | 2030.83 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2030.83 |
23 | Punjab | 0 | 262.08 | 0 | 366.088 | 0 | 628.168 |
24 | Rajasthan | 0 | 444.36 | 848.12 | 72.8 | 508.956 | 1874.24 |
25 | Sikkim | 0 | 0 | 390.97 | 42 | 0 | 432.97 |
26 | Tamil Nadu | 0 | 593.11 | 630 | 0 | 0 | 1223.11 |
27 | Telangana | 0 | 0 | 585.62 | 0 | 0 | 585.62 |
28 | Tripura | 0 | 353.36 | 0 | 151.44 | 0 | 504.8 |
29 | Uttar Pradesh | 0 | 1968.3 | 5.6 | 0 | 0 | 1973.9 |
30 | Uttarakhand | 111.3 | 0 | 86.72 | 0 | 0 | 198.02 |
31 | West Bengal | 0 | 102.06 | 72.8 | 158.07 | 0 | 332.93 |
Total | 933.66 | 11241 | 9324.8 | 9389.6 | 2975.5 | 33864 |
Annexure VI
Details of funds released under MISHTI
Sl. No. | States | Rs. in crores |
1 | Kerala | 0.67 |
2 | Gujarat | 6.20 |
3 | West Bengal | 3.74 |
4 | Puducherry | 1.94 |
Total | 12.55 |