Pen2Print offers affordable eBook publication services


 Pen2Print offers affordable eBook publication services for scholars, making it easier for academic authors and researchers to publish their work. With discounted rates, Pen2Print ensures that scholars from various fields can share their research, theses, and dissertations with a global audience.

Key Features of Pen2Print eBook Publication Services:

  1. Affordable Rates: Pen2Print provides special discounts for scholars, making eBook publication accessible, particularly for those from developing countries or with limited funding.

  2. Global Reach: eBooks published through Pen2Print are made available on various online platforms, ensuring wide visibility and readership.

  3. ISBN Allocation: Every eBook receives an ISBN, ensuring proper cataloging and making the book easier to distribute and reference.

  4. Open Access Option: Pen2Print supports open access, allowing scholars to make their research freely available, maximizing the impact of their work.

  5. Professional Formatting: Pen2Print offers professional formatting services, ensuring the eBook is well-structured and meets industry standards.

  6. Author Support: Dedicated support is provided to scholars throughout the publication process, from manuscript preparation to final publication.

By offering these services at discounted rates, Pen2Print helps scholars reach a broader audience while contributing to the dissemination of knowledge in various academic disciplines.

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