One of the most ambitious animated films, "Mahavatar Narsimha," had its world premiere today at the 55th International Film Festival of India (IFFI), marking a historic milestone in Indian cinema. Directed by Ashwin Kumar, this visually stunning film brings to life the epic tales of Lord Vishnu's third and fourth avatars—Varaha and Narsimha—through a compelling narrative of faith, courage, and resilience.
While addressing the press conference today, Ashwin Kumar expressed, “This is not just an animation film; it’s a labour of love and a tribute to our rich cultural heritage. Drawing from the Vishnu Purana, Narasimha Purana, and Shrimad Bhagavat Purana, we have stayed true to the original sources to present a story that resonates with all generations. I wanted to preserve these stories not as myths but as part of our collective history and consciousness.”
The film portrays the epic conflict between the demon king Hiranyakashipu, who seeks vengeance against Lord Vishnu, and his son Prahlad whose unwavering faith compels the Lord to appear as Narsimha avatar. Explaining his personal connection to the story, the Director said, “During the dark phase in my life, I found strength in these stories. Prahlad’s faith and resilience inspired me to create this film; I hope that it will be an anchor of hope for others.”
The film ‘Mahavatar Narsimha’ aims to raise the bar for Indian animation, offering a cinematic experience that appeals to all age groups. With life-like animation and meticulous detailing, it took four and a half years to create this film. Producer Shilpa Dhawan said, “This project is a celebration of our heritage. We aim for it to reach households worldwide to showcase the richness of Indian culture.”
Addressing the notion that animation in India is primarily for children, Ashwin Kumar said, “we wanted to challenge this perception and create a film for everyone. No one believed in our vision initially, but we’ve proven that Indian VFX and animation can be of world-class quality.”
‘Mahavatar Narsimha’ is just the beginning of a larger vision. The team plans to explore all the ten avatars of Lord Vishnu through a series of projects, including video games, comics, web series and live-action films. “This is not just a movie, it’s a legacy. Art that is rooted in research and depth resonates deeply and we are committed to uphold this standard in our future endeavours,” the Director said.
Kumar hopes the youth will connect with the story. “The conflict between truth and power, faith and doubt, is timeless. I believe this story will resonate with young audiences as they navigate their own challenges”, he added.
Blending modern storytelling with the wisdom of ancient scriptures, ‘Mahavatar Narsimha’ is sure to redefine how mythological stories are told on screen.
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